Chapter 11 - Respect and Restraint

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"You'd best stay for that," Carmen whispered. "I'm not so certain where this is all going. I only know how this movie turns out. But I have absolutely nothing in records when it comes to the details. You're on your own."

"Understood," he muttered softly. "I'd like to stay for that, if that's all right with you, Captain."

Picard shepherded them out of the brig and then said, "By all means. Dana, perhaps you can post guards at the right places and then let your athletes back on board."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, thanks." She engaged her communicator bracelet. "Daniya, we're going to stay for at least another day, maybe two or so. But the athletes need to get back on the Cookie, except this time with guards for the diffuser and really anything in Engineering. And I'll need someone to guard the Audrey Niffenegger, too."

"I can put Cilla and Xo and Tag on Engineering, and Grosk for the diffuser. I'll have Wesley rig something to protect that time ship."

"That'll be fine. You and the Boy Wonder are in charge, thanks. MacKenzie out."

"Don't worry too much about Audrey. She's got... defenses." Not to mention Carmen, who was still listening in and taking note of the proceedings. Carmen would have no qualms about blasting everyone and everything away and then going through yet another iteration if the time ship was attacked or tampered with in any manner. It was the very essence of her job to do so.

"Gotcha." Mack turned to Picard. "Okay, I guess I'm ready."

"Why don't you and M'Belle stay on board the Enterprise-E?" the captain suggested. "And you, too, Richard."

"Thanks," said Rick. "Captain, I also appreciate you not pushing for Audrey's secrets."

"I'm the captain of this ship. It's my duty and my honor to extend courtesies to fellow captains such as yourself and Dana here."

"Eh, don't stand on ceremony for lil ole me," Mack said.

"Here, let me get the three of you to guest quarters," Marty offered as Mike and Geordi left to get back to their stations and Tamsin, too, departed. "That is, if you don't mind the further delay, Captain." He lightly touched the small of Mack's back.

"Mr. Madden," Picard said. "I know you and I didn't exactly get off on the wrong foot at the start. And that is unfortunate and I regret it."

"Thank you, sir. And I appreciate how you – to coin a phrase – went to bat for me with the Admiral."

"I had suspected something, as did Dr. Crusher, and I'm very pleased to see it confirmed today."

"He's a fine officer, eh?" asked M'Belle.

"That part was without question. I am talking more about Mr. Madden and Ms. MacKenzie here. Cousin or no, you are clearly in love and I, for one, will not stand in your way. But I'll also do more."

"Oh?" asked Marty, interrupting.

Picard smiled for a second. "I shall actively work to make certain that you can be together. You've both been instrumental in bringing down what may turn out to be a rather large and damaging cabal indeed. Even if the conspiracy is a small one, it's still rather high up the command food chain. Any flag officers not involved, such as Janeway, are going to want to reward you for your parts. And that should mean, shall we say, looking the other way or at least avoiding prosecution."

"I'd rather that didn't happen," Mack said. Marty looked stricken, so she hastily added, "It's not that I don't want to be with Marty. My God, do I ever! But I want it to be legal. I've had too much illegality in my life. I don't want anymore and I sure as hell don't want to drag him into any of it. The Straight – er, your first officer – doesn't deserve that. And wouldn't that tank his career, anyway?"

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