Chapter 18 - Gifts and a Ribbon

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Their goodbye was difficult but they did what they could to be stoic about it. It was all they could do. "Come back soon," he whispered, holding her close as the rest of the team was already on the Cookie and ready to shove off already.

"You know I will. I've got a date and a promise." She kissed his nose. "I love you so much, Straight Arrow. We'll be together soon." One more kiss and she broke their embrace, turning around to look one more time. She smiled and waved.

Then she turned, and helped Wes and Daniya get the hatch closed for their trip. In their seats on the Bridge, with Wes in Engineering, Crita opened a channel to the Enterprise-E and requested permission to depart. It was Marty's voice that answered. "Godspeed and take care of yourselves. And Crita?"

"Yes, Commander Madden?"

"I wish you all the happiness in the galaxy."

"I wish the same for you."

"Thank you; you and Wes and Daniya and Majira and really the whole team? You are the friends that Myst – er, Mack – has always needed. I'm glad you all found each other. Permission granted to depart."

"Thank you. Daniya," Crita said, "let us go."

"Set a course for Daranaea, at the best speed we can do safely," Mack commanded. "See ya soon, Straight Arrow."

"See ya, Black Sheep. Madden out."


On the Enterprise-E, Picard contacted Marty. "Yes, sir?"

"I'm about to contact the V'Shar to inform them that Admiral Nechayev needs to be arrested. I think on Vulcan, they'll be less susceptible to any pleas for consideration without proof. I don't want them to mistreat her, naturally. But I would also prefer that she stayed put. The remaining flag officers support me on this. You'll have the Bridge for a while."

"Understood, sir."



"Even though it's no longer strictly necessary, I still think we should have your reunion. There are any numbers of fascinating things to study in the Lafa System. First, we'll stay here at the site of the old Delphic Expanse. I should like to follow up on the Augment rumors."

"Yes, sir. And thank you, sir."


Former Admiral Alynna Nechayev went quietly, once she knew the jig was utterly and completely up. The V'Shar allowed her to contact one person, and she chose Jean-Luc Picard. "I've always been fond of our cordial relationship," she said.

"I'm sorry it's come to this." He was in his Ready Room, sipping on some tea.

"I as well. I only trust one person to stop the radiation band cycling for good."

"I see."

"That person is you." She paused for a moment. "I shall have my counsel move to allow access to the controls first, and as quickly as possible. Harriet took it too far. I only came along for a part of the ride, to see if we could communicate with other dimensions and learn from them, and defend ourselves if they proved to be a threat. I didn't intend it as an instrument of conquest and control, and maybe Harriet didn't at first."

"Her personal logs should tell the tale."

"Maybe. The Section destroys so much, and it keeps so much close to the vest. I hope at least, wherever she is, she has found peace. And to you, I offer my sincerest apologies. It was wrong."

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