Chapter 19 - Rings, Chaos, and an Apology

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Although Crita had requested docking permissions perhaps a thousand times before, this time was different and she was suddenly shy about it. "D-Daranaea, please allow the Cookie to dock at Prisk."

"Permission granted, Cookie," answered a male Daranaean on screen. He had golden fur and smartly trimmed whiskers.

"Thank you." Crita turned to Mack. "I will need for someone to contact Senjarus."

"Can't you?" asked Mack.

"No, I cannot. I, I know it may sound silly to the rest of you, but for an unmarried Daranaean female to directly contact a Daranaean male is the height of presumption and even scandal."

"Isn't he your fiancé?" asked Daniya as she guided the little ship into a bay in the capital city of Daranaea, Prisk.

"Yes, but that does not matter."

"Is it all right if a human female contacts him?" Mack asked.

"It should be."

"So I just need to make the call and then put you on?"

"No, and oh my, I am sure you will feel we are rather backward indeed, but I cannot speak with him at all." The tips of Crita's fluffy white triangular ears reddened just a touch.

"That's all right. Just tell me what I need to say."

"Please, Dana, tell him that we have arrived and that it would be most agreeable for us to wed after the team's games tomorrow."

"Same day?"

"Oh, hopefully not. I think he will be able to figure out that I mean another day although that might be the day directly afterwards."

"Can't I just make it clear to him?"

"I, I confess I do not know."

"Let's play it by ear, all right?" Crita nodded and tapped out a message on her PADD. The message got to Mack less than a minute later. Mack wiped off the communications earpiece and stuck it in her ear. She tapped on the controls of the communications panel as Crita stood by, anxious, rubbing her hands together and pacing a little.

"Yes, my name is Dana MacKenzie, and I would like to speak to a Senjarus. I understand he lives in Prisk, please. Yes, I can wait a moment, thank you."

"Connecting you now," replied a male Daranaean relayer.

"Ah, I remember you," Senjarus said by way of greeting. "You are Crita's employer, yes?"

"Yes, and her friend."

"Naturally. From every communication I have received about her, that conclusion is obvious: Crita has many friends. I am fortunate to know her."

"As am I," Mack replied, a little bowled over by the overly formal nature of their conversation. "We've just arrived on Daranaea. In fact, we're in the same city as you are."

"Then that is even more agreeable to me."

"I, er, agree that it's, uh, agreeable." Mack facepalmed for a moment. She was not one for diplomatic-style niceties. "Senjarus, we will be playing games tomorrow at your Capital Arena. Afterwards, I suspect you would like to take a bride."

"Yes, yes, I would. My two current wives and I are most eager to bring Crita into our household. I understand athletic competitions are rather tiring for all."

"They can be."

"Then I suggest that we conduct the ceremony a few days after your games. Say, three days later? That will give you a chance to rest and it will give Crita time to pack anything she may need or tie up her affairs and the like."

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