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Lowe got a piece of paper and pen. He decided to leave a note to the other officers saying his final goodbye. When he was finished he put it on his desk, picked up his gun and put it against his head. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. 


Lightoller was sitting on his bed when he heard the sound coming from Lowe's room. He stood up and rushed into the room finding Lowe dead. Lightoller took a step back not believing in what he had just saw."L-Lowe?", lightoller said walking towards his body and kneeling down. "L-Lowe???"., he started to tear up. The other Officers came rushing in soon after, "Lowe are-", they saw Lowe and Lightoller. The officers went to Lowe and cried. Lightoller sighed and stood up. Boxhall looked at Lightoller, "HOW COULD YOU?!". "What?", "WHY WOULD YOU SHOT HIM?!", "What? I didn't-", "I DONT NEED YOUR EXCUSES LIGHTOLLER". Lightoller whimpered. Boxhall picked Lightoller up by his collar and slammed him against the wall, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS LIGHTOLLER? WHY?? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?!". "I did-didn't do anything!", Lightoller cried. Boxhall let go of him and grabbed Lowe's pistol. Boxhall amied at Lightoller but got held back by Murdoch. "LET GO OF ME!?", Boxhall screamed. Moody grabbed Boxhall and brought him to another room to try and calm him down. The Officers went to go tell the captain. Lightoller stayed in Lowe's cabin and just sobbed on the floor. 

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