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Ever since the incident with Lowe, Lightoller has stayed in his cabin not wanting to talk to anyone . "Charles?", Wilde knocked on the door, "I got some tea want some?}, "...No...". "You haven't eaten for 3 days you need something". Wilde came in and sat next to Lightoller. "I'm sorry about Lowe...", Wilde frowned, "Whatever.". Wilde sighed and hugged him. Lightoller stood up and walked away. Wilde frowned. Wilde fallowed Lightoller, "Where are you going?", "Shut up.", "No. where are you going?". Lightoller grabbed his gun and aimed it at Wilde, "Shut up.". "...I just want to help-", "Shut up!". Lightoller walked away and sighed. Wilde went after him, "Lightoller please, I want to help.", "Shut it Wilde...while you still can". Wilde frowned, "Please. Lightoller it's not good to bottle everything up like that...it will hurt you..". Lightoller slapped Wilde then kept on walking. Wilde sighed and gave up.

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