New begining?

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I look up and there he is the guy I feel his eyes on me.

He asks me " hey do you have Snapchat" in my head I'm like SKSJSK OMFG HE ASKED ME FOR MY SNAP FUCK YES. In the most clam convincing and fluent way I say "yes". He responds " oh would you like to be in the English group chat".

GIRLLLL IM— I was mad I'm not gonna lie I was like omg a love story. Then there goes my feeling and break.

I give him my Snapchat AGAIN thinking nothing of it other then a group chat for classmates to share answers.

I felt like shit I'm not gonna lie. I added my Snapchat I got a notification on my phone. "Brayan has added you" I look at it and read it to myself. "Brayan~"

School ended I'm on my bus these freshmen make me wanna jump out the window. I decided to make a video and post it with a caption saying. " I hate everyone," I thought nothing of it. I'm still on the bus tired of humans and being a human.

I see who has seen my story I closely examine the names and read " Brayan" I decided to ignore it. 30 mins later I get a notification from Brayan. He slid up on my story saying "lol xD" WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS CLOSE TO LEAVING HIM ON READ BOIIIII.

I decided to text back and say " lol what" he starts to say " you hate everyone," I say " I don't mean it". We begin to talk about how I don't make a lot of friends or like anyone in general we talked and talk more about our classes and other things.

He told me about himself and I told him about me. It came to the point where I felt happy? We talked all day and we came to the conclusion to stay after school together for a spirit club.

We stay after school I wait for him outside of my last class which was Spanish 5 AP he told me to wait for him I did and I saw him and my heart went off.

I looked at him in the eyes every time he talked. I analyzed his expressions his emotions and level of confidence. We arrived at the class for the club we had to pick an event and write it on a poster.

He chose ours and we both went into the halls to work on it. We talked a lot I had soo much fun with him I felt alive I felt this overwhelming feeling of happiness. Is this what love felt like?

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