What are we?

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Ever since we that afternoon we talked more and we decided to meet in the morning and after our last class. As usual, I would wait for him. I didn't mind at all I really loved being by his side I really appreciated the time and effort he made for me.

I would wake up early to buy him some snacks. I wanted him to feel as if I was there for him all the time. I wanted to make him feel protected and very loved. I've never felt those types of things I've don't know how it feels but I felt as if I gave him that. I swear every time I saw him in the morning seeing him. Lord my heartfelt great I felt happy. If people could see what was inside of him. Ugh

Honestly seeing his face and eyes light up. That smile of his, his voice, intelligence, and humor. Seeing him made everything better and made me feel empowered having him by my side every day. I loved spending my B lunch with him we didn't do anything but hold hands and that was all I needed that was all I wanted. I felt the love I felt as nothing could hurt me.

When I tell y'all I fell hard for this guy...

as day proceeded we grew closer we spent time after school in our special hall I loved being there with him. Seeing Brayan happy smiling and laughing as my goal. To be the best at making him happy was the what I wanted to most. I felt as if I were pressuring him to ask me out and actually be his girlfriend.

We stayed after school that same day I had finally built up the courage to ask him " what are we" it took him a few moments and replied "I don't think we need a title" I grew sad. I know it shouldn't make me feel like that because he wanted to take time but I was ready to be hurt. (I regret it now)

I know my feelings towards him and I'm just sure that I could be the best girlfriend I could've ever been. We talked about relationships and how he used to think they were stupid. We also talked about our thoughts on marriage and religion etc. I got to know him. He said if he were to get to that point in a serious relationship he doesn't wanna get married. I grew sad I wanted to have my own family and marry the love of my life. He's an atheist and I'm Catholic he doesn't believe in god rather he believes in science and evolution. I respect that I respected all of his beliefs and I was ready to change mine for his.

I was still bummed out about the title thing but I didn't show any emotion towards it. It was 4 pm and it was time for him to leave. We got up and gave each other a hug after that we kissed goodbye but I grabbed his hand and asked for more kisses cause I'm ahead ass like that but anyway at the door he looks at me and says "Hey don't get sad about the title thing. I just think that these things take its time" I looked at him and smiled and told him that it was okay and to be careful on his way home.

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