Happiness inside my heart

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Lord... this guy , he really has my heart. And I'm sooo brave for letting him handle it. I felt so happy to see him everyday. Regardless of anything I didn't care what he wore. Who his friends were. How looked like.

All that mattered to me was him and his heart. I wanted to Protect and love this boy with all my heart.

That week.... that week was the best week ever .
I felt so loved ,so comfortable , it was a new school I attended and he was the only person who decided. I wanna talk to her even if others didn't. I felt as it that was important to me ,and it was I felt so special and lord knows I loved this feeling too much.

That week we've spent time with each other I stayed after school to be with him especially. I greeted him with food in the morning. I greeted him with an open heart that was willing to break itself to make him happy.

We spent our only lunch together in the media center. We spent time alone after school in that spot in the halls that nobody really used. In class we sat together and I honestly loved it. Life was perfect I felt happy and that's all that mattered to me.
I really drained myself for him. . .

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