Chapter 14 : Movie Night?

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A/N :

the photo is not mine guys. Anyways, happy reading everyone!^^

Days passed so fast. It's already the end of the week again, Friday to be exact. It's been a peaceful week for U.A. No villain attacks, no pestering reporters, not even a single pop quiz from Aizawa. Everything's going just fine. So fine, in fact, it's been-

"It's been so boooooorriinggg~~~!" Kaminari groaned as he litterally roll around on the class floor. Not that is a strange thing to do for the electrical-quirked boy.

"Dude, the frick are you doing? Get up!!" Sero said as he stopped the human version of pikachu from getting his clothes covered in dirt and dust.

"But i'm so bored, man! All we do is study, then train, then study, and then train again, and just leave it on repeat for five freaking days!! It's driving me nuts!" Kaminari ranted on as he pulled his own hair like a madman.

Hearing the commotion, Iida fixed his glasses and started to lecture him, "But that is a student's job; to study! And besides, you should be greatful that we don't have to deal with outer issues and villains this week. We got optimum education and training instead! As expected of U.A High!"

"Ughh but Iida, it's just been too calm and boring!"

"But it's better than having our lives at risk by encoutering villains!"

Almost everyone in class sweatdropped at the scene. 'HERE WE GO AGAIN..'

"Well, i have to say, it was a pretty boring week." A certain red-head spoke, scratching the back of his head.

"Kiri my bro! I knew you were on my side!!" Kaminari glomped on the shark-toothed boy.

"But that doesn't mean it's a bad week." Kirishima pointed out.

"Fine, fine, but still..!"

"You know, tomorrow's already weekend Kaminari. You can do pretty much anything you want starting from now. School's out for today anyways, ribbit." Asui mentioned.

"And that's the problem, Tsu! My parents will not be home for the weekend, so i have to watch the house. As if it'll go anywhere on it's own..." The yellow eyed boy mumbled the last part, but still audible for the others to understand the words he's saying.

Ashido suddenly clapped her hands. "Hah! I know! Why don't we-"

"What, Ashido, what do you know about me?! Nobody understands me! Nobody knows the pain i've been through! All this time i've been suffering in silence, tormented! Swallowed in a sea of boredom- HMPH?!"

Sero taped Kaminari's mouth after hearing enough of his nonsense. It made the class laugh at them. "You're being way over dramatic.." The black haired boy remarked.

"Heheh, i was just kidding ma dude." Kaminari grinned sheepishly as he took the tape off. "Sorry, what were you saying, Ashido??"

The said girl cleared her throat as she continued, "I was saying, why don't we all watch a movie together at Kami's house?? Since he can't go anywhere for the weekend, i thought it'll be a great idea to hangout together with him! All of us! The whole class!!"

The electrical-quirked boy's eyes lit up. "Yeah, yeah! Let's do that!"

"Ah yes, that is indeed a great idea! What a wonderful way to streghten our bond as a class and friends! Good thinking, Ashido!" Iida nodded in approval.

"I would like to join (*^3^)/~☆" ((A/N : You guys can guess who said this, right? Right.))

"T-That sounds like fun!" Midoriya said, agreeing on Ashido's plan.

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