Caught betwen a Demon and a harde day

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Chapter 1
Rea's POV
Injoy people!!!

I was dragging my sword behind me, by the hilt. Griping it tightly, it was still cloudy as look up throw the eye holes from my kitsune mask and let out an aggravating sigh. It was just one of though's days when you want to scream your lungs out and beat some one to death. I was angry bent on killing the nearest thing and....oh sorry I forgot my manners (lightly chuckles) I did not introduce myself her is my bio.
TiyRea aka Rea 19
Hight: 5''1'
Wight: classified
Weapon: katana
Mask: white with three thin liens(black) on the cheeks, thin fox eyes (black) under the eyes are Sakura pink pitiless arranging from small to big
Ethnicity: African American & white
Skin: light carmel
Hair: have Browne on the top and reddish orange on the bottom and curly.
Clothes: is a a orange or black fox hoode with regular jeans with black converse or vans.

Borne and raised in the south, Rea hade the somewhat good life. Her loneliness led to her undying love and passion for video games and art. She has a caring heart but she billed's an emotional wall so that she won't feel pan. She not a hard person to talk to and will drop her walls slightly to help.
Ok..ok know you got to know me, let me just start from the begging so you can get an understanding of way I was and still am pissed!!!!

It was cloudy as I make my way to a nice family home, the father was gone on one of "though's business" trips and was not gona be home. But never mind that, I took out my list of people that fuck'd me over in the Alps!!! I stole a quick look and check off the name James and Jessica Smith. I hated this assholes, (augh!!!) I could not what to see there blood spill and paint there home with it.

But let's just say as I made my way there, every thing when't to the shitter, I got in smoothly. Though I'm not an animal killer but snoopy hade to go to sleep!! (ha!!Y(^_^)Y Jeff the killer reference, lol whips tires ok..ok that was not cool). I snuck in when the mom just left the teens to fight amongst themselves. talking about who's the hotties female model (roles eyes) so I snuck up and swung. But I only cut the are "damn it". Them mom come from the fucking shadow, so I did want any reasonable killer who I coming up in this world.

I bolted out and I swear to ya, I was in the Olympic, jumping over fences and shit. My heart was doing the samba and that is how my cookie crumble and here I am clutching my sword!! Not even stand by blood, AND WHAT Do I have TO SHOW oR briNG to THE TABEL!!!! Nothing (sighs). I stop and look up again, I through my mask wishing I could get a kill. "Way do I suck so MUCH!!!" I shouted.
I swing my sword at the closes thing (witch is a tree) and just let loos all my anger " wAY dO I KeEp ON FUCKING UP" this was the fifth time I screwed up I used. To be good, the beast in my group, and know I'm like though's old washed up musician or some athlete!!. I was blinded by my anger. I did not notes that there was a presents behind me.

"Hi there, do you need some help cutey" a deep voce said.

I was struck dumbfoundidly, there before my eyes was a demon. A demon was standing right in front of me, I don't know if I should run for a priest or submit to this sexy demon. Happy that he can't see my face turn fifty shades of red ( Awa nother reference!! can I get a what what
*\(^o^)/*lol I stop, I stop ). I did the most reasonable thing a human would do or say in this situation.

"I'm not cute and I don't need your help, demon" I some what said with anger. I was not at all concerned about his feelings for I was ready to kill him if he so much as move a musical . though  my subcontinent scream at me other wise (you dumb ass!!! What the HELL!!!, you could have TAP that and know he is gona TARE your tits off and feed it to the devils dogs!!! he coming close to you?!!) as I was mentally fighting my self with this conflicting emotion. He was so close to me. But I was unwavering in my stains. So I stood there and looks at his eyes, his dark black eyes.

The Misadventures of TiyRea: A Creepypasta storyWhere stories live. Discover now