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Chapter 3
(This is Neil's POV, and as you know it's gona take off we're I left off...Injoyyyyy)

I was freaking OUT!!! Like what do I do with 'THIS' freaking OUT??!! She so beautiful and 'she would have look even more stoning if her cloths were rip'd off and'- NO!!!! STOP!!! Stop that. I yell to my inner demon, (y'all all know that demons have inner demons, like how werewolf's have there inner wolfs that talk to them, and how to react, feel, and ect. But inner demons are hard to control, when there are certain things enticing them). 'Stop fighting this Neil' my inner demon said. His demonic voice was almost enough to stop me, but I turned on my hills and was gona live her sword on the porch and go home. Plus her hip movement is giving me a raging boner.

'Your not going no were, intel 'WE' git what 'WE 'want' was all I herd'. I can feel his want for her, that raw intent of taking what 'he' wanted wash over me. "No your not gona make me into a rapes slash murderer!!"I thought to my demon. He was fighting me, tooth and nail. But he was not going to win over me!! Though I'm not going to lie to myself myself, he was wining this game. I can feel my insanity slipping, my vision fading to red, and my body is moving without my consent. It was like watching one of though's old horror black and wight cinemas. We're the killer walks up be hind the girl and stabs her, but I'm the killerish....i guess (I mean I'm not gon'a kill her, but if my demon takes over my body. I don't know if she will survive "the treatment" that might happen).

'I told you Neil' my inner demon said to me as I fighting agents my body's wishes, 'your not going no were intel 'WE' get what 'WE' want!!! do I make myself clear?!!' he shouted to me. 'But that's not what 'I' want!!!' there was a big laughter that erupted from my demon 'really Neil, you've got to be kidding me??!!' His laughter, for the moment subsided 'just look at her'. I did, for the amount of time that I can stop moving toured's her. I looked at how elegant she was 'your telling ME!! that you don't want that!!??!! That YOU don't want that 'VERGIN'!!??'

I released a low growl, witch I'm happy that she could not here me. 'I can't do this!! you can't make ME!!' I shouted in my hade, I wanted to stop this. I just want to leave her alone like she ask. But I know that my damn demon was a relentless one and would never give up on anything....and I mean anything. There was a low chuckle that did not come from me 'you want to bate on that?' he said. I turn'd myself around and walking to the door intel I was petrified, like somebody's controlling me petrified. Damn it!!.

My body swung it's self, facing to Rea who is "dropping it like its hot" I wanted to laugh at that...but this is not that time. 'Look at her' he said in a sickly sweet tone, 'doesn't she remind you of some one you've known?'. I took a good look at here smooth round face as her wavy/curly hair bonus to here movements. She...she looks like 'Luna', she does! I can see it.

"Luna" I spoke, it was her. I've missed her so much, her beautiful ebony curly hair, though's lushes' pink lips, i....i..i can't believe she came to such a place!. I could feel my demon's exisitment raving throw my vans, and I loved it. I was getting closer to her, and all I want to do is smother her with kisses and fuck her till she knows how much I love'd her. "Luna" I shouted, as I got closer to my love. But I was getting smaller and smaller each step i take. There was also this sinking felling, like a black hole sucking me in felling. That's weird. But as everything was getting blacker on me, I can see Luna falling toureds me so I grab on to her as the dark consumed uses.

I woke up to a headache and something squishy, it was like a bag full of worm mash potatoes, humans new what they were doing when they made mash potatoes. On the side note I open'd my eyes to something that looks like a basement, I can also see that big hole that I feel down with Luna......NO!! LUNA!!!. I looked down to something that had a orange reddish hair. That looks somewhat like a person I know, some one that's not " REA!!!!".

The Misadventures of TiyRea: A Creepypasta storyWhere stories live. Discover now