Prologue 2

443 13 1

September 23, 2018 9:45 A.M.

They had slept over at the hospital (Jeremy had also got a small, but annual checkup) when a nurse came in,

"Are you all waiting to see Mr. Emily?" she asked,

"Uh, yeah." Michael answered,

"Then come with me." the nurse gestured them to follow, and they all came with her. They entered one of the hospital rooms,

"Hey, this is also T-Bone's room." Jeremy commented as they entered,

"Hey guys!" T-Bone grinned,

"Hey T, howya doin?" Marcia asked, walking over to his side.

"Been better, but good!" he grinned, Marcia nodded, she turned to the bed next to T-Bone's. Michael walked over, Henry was still unconscious, but shifting slightly.

"He'll be awake soon," the nurse commented,

"What happened?" Beverly asked,

"The doctors had to perform an amputation on his left, sew up multiple cuts, and perform several skin grafts due to the burns." Beverly cringed as the nurse left,

"Oh my..."

Henry was heavily bandaged, and had an IV drip to his left. Though not visable to them, Henry was also missing his left leg from the knee down. He shifted slightly, eyes opening.

"Uhh... w-what... where..?" he looked around, squinting.

"Hi Henry." Michael greeted, Henry looked up at him,

"M-michael? Y-your... alive?"

"Yep, I survived. You too."

"Well, most of you." Marcia commented bluntly,

"Marcia!" Beverly scolded, Henry looked confused,


"They uh... had to perform some surgery. They amputated part of you leg." Henry's eyes widened,

"That explains why I can't feel part of my left leg, I thought it was just numb, not missing." he chuckled lightly.

"This probably isn't the time to ask this but, what happened Henry? What has been happening?" Beverly pressed, Henry sighed.

"Well, it's about time I told you all."

"The fire... I set it." Everyone jolted.

"The reason? To destroy the animatronics that had came here."

"Like the rabbit?"

"Yeah, like Springtrap." Michael answered, Henry gave him an odd look.

"There were others too, the other animatronics that were salvaged. I brought them all here, all to one place to burn them, to end them permanently." Henry then continued.

"But why?" Beverly asked,

"They're dangerous. Two of them were programed to kill, the third was the one that programed them to do so. They were all extremely dangerous, as Will- I mean, Springtrap so "kindly" demonstrated. They could kill without hesitation or mercy, all but one of the four were vicious monsters."

"Lefty." Beverly answered, Henry jolted,

"W-what? H-h-how do you know that?!" he yelped, rather surprised.

"I talked to her. Was she in on the plan?"


"How where those things alive? Or were they just AI's gone SkyNet?" T-Bone asked, Henry sighed,

"It's a long story, and the details are complicated, but two of them were... in a way." Henry answered with a shrug. Beverly shook her head,


"If we're telling the whole truth, I might as well tell some things too..."

"Like why your eyes are weird? Or all those bruises?" Jeremy asked,


"Alright, fire away Mike." T-Bone said.

"I'm..." he looked over at Henry, who nodded,

"I'm dead. I've been dead for at least 2 weeks."

"WHAT?" Marcia yelped,

"You want proof? Take my pulse." Michael shrugged, Marcia moved forward and pressed two fingers to the area were Michael's jugular was. She did so for a few moments,

"W-what? There's n-no pulse... he's... he's not kidding!" Marcia recoiled,


"Mike's a zombie?!" T-Bone yelped, Michael shook his head with a chuckle,

"Well, I' m not a Walking Dead, 28 Days Later, first thing's first 'I'll eat your brains' zombie but... technically, yes. Yes I am."

"H-how did this... happen?" Beverly yelped,

After a while of Michael explaining, everyone but Michael left, and T-Bone dozed off.

"So... are they really gone Michael?"

"Yep! I checked last night, this is finally over. Those monsters lost the plot when the blaze started and were bloody shrieking and screeching like nutters!" Michael grinned, Henry tilted his head,

" 'lost the plot'? What are you talking about?" Henry chuckled,

"They went batty! Started freaking out?"

"Oh," Henry lightly chuckled.

"So... what now? Something tells me you didn't intend to survive." Michael commented, shuffling slightly,

"I... to be honest, don't know..."

"Well alright, you can think about that. I have to see a man about a dog..."

"How the hell is that possible? Your dead and missing most, if not all of your internal organs."

"I dunno, remnant physics or some rubbish like that..." Michael shrugged as he left. Henry shook his head, it had been a long day.

But he was grateful it was over.

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