Chapter 1

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October 28th, 2018 12:35 A.M.

It had been over and month since the fire, and everyone by then had recovered, and the burned remains were left. For now.

Henry had been recently released from the hospital, but would never be the same again. His left leg had been so mangled from the fire that it had to be amputated. He now had a prosthetic, which he was having trouble getting used to. Luckily, Michael agreed to work as a physical therapist in order to help Henry get back on his feet... foot actually. Henry walked over to the door to get the newspaper, but instead of the morning paper, there was a box with a tarp over it and a note on it. Henry shakily knelt down to read it, adjusting his glasses. The note read,

Hey Henry, thanks for telling us all those things at the hospital, it cleared up some confusion. But also made more. I myself would kinda like to know how those machines are alive, but if you don't want to share it, that's okay. Here are some little things we've found in the ruins, the gold one raises even more concern then it originally did, and so does what I found it attached too.


Henry blinked, worry bubbling in his chest as he, with some difficulty, picked up the box and brought it to the guest bedroom. He sat down and opened the tarp, the things within the box shocked him.

Most notably, and noticeably was a burned and damaged striped animatronic. Most of it was intact, but the face was burned and there was a crack running down it from the right eye. The suit on the right hand and forearm was gone, revealing the complicated inner workings, machinery and wires. Henry blinked, wondering how the marionette had survived.

Maybe it was LEFTE... maybe it protected her from the worst of it. He removed the marionette from the box and sat it down, shaking his head sadly,

"I'm sorry Charlie... I'm so, so sorry." tears stung his eyes, and he felt something brush them from his face, and found the animatronic's glowing eyes staring at him.

"C-c-charlie?" the injured man stuttered, the puppet smiled.

"Hi Dad." Henry wrapped his arms around his daughter, who returned his embrace.

"I'm sorry... I-I failed... I failed to protect you... to f-f-ree you..." the father whimpered, his body racked by sobs,

"What happened all those years ago was not your fault, and no, you didn't fail. You freed the others. Maybe it just wasn't my time yet." the Henry pulled back to look his daughter in the eyes.

"What happened to you?" Charlie then asked, noticing some of Henry's wounds, especially staring down at Henry's prosthetic.

"Oh, well I guess not all of me survived..." Henry chuckled awkwardly, shifting what was left of his leg. Charlie stood up, her eyes examining the room. Henry used the bed in order to help him stand back up. The marionette briskly walked into the main room, Henry following behind. The both turned as the door opened, it was Michael with some groceries,

"Ello Henry, I'm baaaaaaaaaaa..." the British "zombie" trailed off, staring at Charlie.

"You?! How!" Charlie snarled, lunging at him. Michael let out a scream (a rather high pitched one at that), dropping the groceries as Charlie's thing fingers wrapped around his throat and threw him up against the storm door.

"Charlie no! That's not William!" Henry shouted frantically,

"Huh?" Charlie glanced at her father, her eyes then turning back to the man struggling in her grasp.

"H-hi." Michael managed to utter,

"I-I'm Michael... William was my dad..." he trailed off awkwardly. Charlie's eyes widened, she quickly released the zombie,

"Oh geez! I'm sorry."

"Ah, it's fine." Michael shrugged, rubbing his throat as he stood up.

"Where did you come from?"

"Apparently Beverly found her in the rubble." Henry answered, Michael nodded.

"What... are you?" Charlie then asked Michael,

"I felt no breath nor heartbeat from you, yet you still have life and soul."

"How about we all sit down and talk, we're all missing bits of the story." Henry suggested, they all nodded and walked to the living room.


Charlie sat quietly in the guest bedroom, she decided to break from her thoughts and look at what else was in the box. She decided to entertain herself a bit. She closed her eyes and reached in, she grasped something and pulled it out. It was Rockstar Foxy's Parrot, Petey. The parrot was slightly burned and part of his wing was damaged.

"Maybe I can fix you up, are there any spare parts in here..." she tipped the box over and froze. There were a few other things, a slightly burnt maraca, a small white and purple bear, Funtime Chica's cupcake, and a familiar golden head. The holes and gaps of the suit were burned, the glass eyes had melted, and now almost looked like tears on the animatronics face. Its' muzzle and teeth were stained with blood. Charlie shakily lifted it out of the box, the rabbit head's bloodstained jaw hung loosely. Out of morbid curiosity, she lifted the upper half of the mask open. She found what she expected to find. The slightly burned skull of the murderer was slightly cracked, bits of metal and burned electronics were laced over it, the eye sockets were burned, making them look like they were just black pits staring back at her. She closed the masks jaws with a shutter. She dumped out the rest of the box's contents, and there were some spare parts. But not many, or any she could actually use for something as small as Petey. Her eyes flicked to the mask and she sighed,

"Well," she said to it, "it's not like you have any need for them now do you?"


His eyes shot open.

Where am I? The last thing he remembered was a fire, but he couldn't recall much else. His mind was foggy, or smoky if you're willing to jest. The old mans' grey eyes scanned the room, it was familiar but... different. He jumped slightly, a gold bear lay slouched in the room, staring at him with pure black eyes. He stared back, fear rising in his chest.

"H-hello?" there was a giggle, like that of a young girl. Then, the bear's head detached and lunged straight for his face. He screamed loudly as its' blunt teeth tore painfully into his skull.

WeLcOmE tO yOuR SpEcIaL lItTlE hElL...


Author's Note: Chapter 1 is done! And there are tears, happiness, family reunions (More of that to come;) )... and death.

Wow that didn't take long at all XD

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