Chapter 10

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December 1st 2018 9:33 A.M.

"Guys? I have some bad news." Kyra said, sitting down with the rest of the TISA Team.

"What is it?" Charlie asked,

"Maryland, the women who tasked us with solving the Fazbear mysteries? She died a few weeks ago."


"Man that stinks."

"So, what are we going to do about the case?" Vera asked,

"We're going to continue investigation. We know ghosts exist, the last thing we want is to be haunted." Kyra responded, the group nodded.

"So, let's do a little recap and share some new finds. Charlie, you start."

"I've been looking over the blueprints we found down at the Sister Location, and they definitely raise concern." Charlie spread out,

"Like, look at this one for a 'Funtime Freddy', 'parental tracking'? 'Voice mimic/lure'? 'Storage tank'? And, is that the silhouette of a small child inside that?! These aren't normal things you build an animatronic with. Or the fox, 'Parental voice sync and replay'? Also a 'variable scent'? All of this seems sketchy to me."

"Sketchy? More like murder-y. This giant clown thing has a massive claw in its' chest."

"Take a look at this one," Brady then said, holding up on of the prints,

"It's called a 'S.calable C.reation of U.lterior P.resence'." he read before handing it to Charlie.

"Hmm... 'Remnant Injector'... "NOTES: Leave trace line amount on interior. Over-usage/Over-exposure negates effect." What the heck does that mean? 'Remnant Reservoir'? What the heck?"

"Does it say anything on that 'reservoir' thing?" Kyra asked,

"Yeah it says, "NOTES: When heated, no observable motion. Keep in heated tank at sustained temperature. Substance should be malleable, but no more. There is a possibility that overheating might neutralize the effects permanently." weird. Something tells me it's time to head back to the Sister Location and further check it out."

"That sounds like a plan." Krya grinned,

"I think I'll pass..." Raven shudders.

"Alright, you coming Brady?" Kyra nodded, turning to him.

"Nah. Gotta go to work in an hour." he shrugged. The group nodded, and the three girls got ready to head into the Sister Location.


"Where should we look first?" Kyra asked, they were standing in the Funtime Auditorium.

"We should go to the Parts and Service. There was something there I wanted to see." Charlie suggested, Kyra nodded.

"After that, then the scooping room. Did you bring all the blueprints C?" the latter nodded as they entered.

"I'm surprised the power's still on in here." Vera commented,

"By the looks of this conveyor belt this room is connected to the scooping room." Charlie muttered, running her hand down the conveyor.

"What's that there?" Vera asked, pointing towards two hunched figures in the corner. Kyra whipped out her phone and turned on the flashlight.


In the corner were two animatronics. The first one that caught their attention was a white fox with bright orange accents and purple makeup. It's face was made of segments similar to that of the ones on the blueprints. The second was just a blank "endoskeleton" made of wires with electric yellow eyes. It roughly resembled a bear. Charlie held up one of the blueprints,

"By the looks of it, this one is Funtime Foxy."

"Are you sure? There's a blueprint on this desk for another fox looking thing..." Vera trailed off. Charlie turned over as Vera handed her the blueprint.

"Hmm, there's another one with it... this one here is for a 'Lolbit' the other one says 'Yenndo'. I guess that's these two." Charlie commented, gazing at the two deactivated machines.

"I know I said it before but, I'm surprised that this place still has functional power. I mean, look at all these loose electrical wires and broken pipes. This place is a health hazard in more ways than the sketchy robots that may or may no have been used to kill people." Vera commented, examining the machinery that laced the walls.

"This place has sketchy, creepy murder-den written all over it. We really need to do some background research on this "Afton Robotics" cause right now, they are blatantly a MASSIVE suspect right now." Kyra mentioned as they walked into the scooping room.

"Ugh, I forgot this room had dried blood and some guy's guts." Vera muttered, plugging her nose as they entered. Charlie pulled out the blueprint and kneeled down next to the bloodstained machine, pushing away the plastic shells of the Funtime animatronics. She pressed her hand to the large circular base of the machine,

"Hmm, seems like the tank is no longer heated. Probably broken." she muttered. Charlie grabbed a screwdriver from her backpack and began to unscrew part of the covering that was at the top underneath the arm of the scooper. She pulled of the panel and place it upon the floor. Vera and Kyra walk over to it.

"What is that stuff?" Vera asked, kneeling down to look inside.

"Well, it says on the blueprint that it's a remnant storage tank," Kyra commented, holding up the blueprint, "so I guess it's remnant?" Charlie shrugged.

Inside the tank was a hardened pale whitish blue substance. It smelled like a mix of burnt plastic, salt and decaying flesh, or maybe that was from the visceral on the excavating arm of the machine. Charlie poked the hardened material with the screwdriver, it made a small imprint, but it took some effort to make it.

"Odd, it's slightly malleable." Charlie commented, pulling out the screwdriver.

"We should get a sample of this stuff." Kyra said, Charlie nodded.

"I think I have some specimen jars... aha! Here we are!" Charlie grinned as she pulled out a plastic container. It took some effort to scoop out enough of the substance, which appeared to slowly ooze together to fill the jar. Charlie examined it as it did so,

"Odd, it appears to an extremely thick liquid or something..." she screwed the lid back on and slipped it into her backpack.

"Alright, how about we check out the Ballora Gallery?" Kyra suggested, the entire group left the bloodstained room.

Unaware that they were being watched..

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