Chapter 29

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January 8th, 2019 7:32 P.M.

"So, we're meeting them at the park?" Michael asked, who was driving.

"Yep. It lines up with the pattern of the Twisted attacks. Bev, Jeremy, Fritz, T-Bone and Marcia will be joining us all. The more help the better." Henry responded, he then looked over his shoulder at the back of the car. The Nightshades were in the backseat, and Charlotte and William sat in the ford's trunk.

"You all good?"

"Cramped, but fine." Elizabeth shrugged. Bon-Bon skittered forward and perched on Michael's shoulder, who expressed visual discomfort over it, but didn't say anything. They pulled the car into the park, Michael and Henry got out of the car. Henry tells the Nightshades to remain in the car, Charlotte and William too. They walked over to a group of people that sat around a fire. These people were Jeremy, his adoptive older brother Fritz, Marcia, Beverly and T-Bone.

"Hey H," T-Bone greeted,

"Hello all." Henry smiled, him and Michael sat down at the fire.

"So we're camping here waiting for the spiritual investigators?" Marcia asked, the others nodded.

"What was the team called?" she then asked,

"TISA. Teenagers Investigating Spiritual Anomalies. I think." Henry answered.

"I think I heard of those kids, weren't they the ones who caught that Ghost-Wolf thing?" Beverly asked,

"Yeah! I remember that!" Fritz grinned. They all sat quietly as the fire crackled.

"So... does anyone have anything they wanna talk about? Any unanswered questions someone wants to ask Henry?" Beverly added with a chuckle.

"I mean, he gave us the rundown on those Twisted things."

"I got one..." T-Bone says. Everyone looks up,

"So... this may be an uncomfortable..." he shrugged.

"Mike... what was it like when those... things uh..." T-Bone trailed off when Michael looked down at his feet, the shadows from the fire obscuring his face so that all was seen were his glowing pupils. Henry gave T-Bone nervous look,

"I really don't think that's a good ide-"

"I was awake the entire time they were in me." Michael said in a monotone and dark voice. Everyone turned to look at him with relatively horrified expressions, Henry looking a bit concerned,

"What?" Henry then asked.

"I was conscious when they were puppeting me." Michael repeated,

"The only times I was unconscious was when I was first scooped, and when they left. I just woke up like this... parts of Ennard are still in me. Wires mainly."

"I never noticed that." Henry commented,

"I've been pretty good at hiding it." Michael responded, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a series of wires imbedded in his skin.

"Oof." T-Bone said with a shutter,

"Also still got its' teeth." Michael then commented,

"Where..?" Jeremy asked, Marcia facepalmed,

"In his pocket Jer!" Michael gave a hollow chuckle.

"Is that why you would always cover your mouth when you laughed or smiled?" Henry asked,

"I've seen you do it a few times, I just thought you were self conscious and never said anything." Henry shrugged,

"I am a bit. They're a bit... alarming." Michael commented.

"Mark me down as curious. Show us." Marcia then said with a grin,

"We've seen more terrifying things with sharp teeth." T-Bone added with a nervous chuckle.

"Alright." Michael shrugged, he unhinged his jaw and reveled Ennard's needle-like teeth.

"Yikes. Let's hope you don't bite your tongue with those." T-Bone chuckled,

"I've done so at least twice. Not. Fun. When I woke up, some of my teeth were still there. Had to take them out in order not to get an infection. Plus it hurt. Taking them out hurt more. That wasn't fun either." Michael rubbed his forehead. A group of three people walked up to the group, it was the TISA team.

"Hello, you kids the spiritual investigators?" Marcia asked,

"Yep! I'm Kyra," the albino teen gestured to herself,

"And this is Charlie, Vera, Brady and Raven." the two others grinned with a wave.

"So... your Henry right?" Charlie then asked the latter, who nodded.

"This is Michael," the latter gave a wave,

"And they are Marcia, Beverly, T-Bone, Jeremy and Fritz." pointing at the corresponding as he introduced them.

"Are you the group that caught the Ghost-Wolf?" Beverly asked,

"I told you someone saw that news report!" Charlie grinned happily.

"So what are you investigating now? Well, besides the Twisted."

"The Fazbear Mystery." Kyra responded, Beverly nodded.

"So I'm assuming you kids know about the Twisted?" Marcia then asked,

"Ish. We know they're animatronic killing-machines with some sort of connection to Fazbear's." Kyra shrugged, Vera tapped her chin.

"Didn't you mention that they were killing with springlocks?" she asked, Vera nodded.

"Huh. The only two Fazbear-related companies that used and I'm pretty came up with the idea was Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics. With the robotics one, it sort fits into Charlie's conspiracy." Brady burst out laughing, Michael and Henry exchanged concerned looks.

"It is not a conspiracy! Those blueprints are shifty!" Charlie shot back with a bit of laughter. Michael's black eyes widened at that bit. The TISA team all sat down by the fire, Raven stood frozen in her spot.

"What's wrong sis?" Brady asked, guiding her over by the fire to sit down on the grass. She took a deep breath with a shutter and whispered,

"It's the one who got his insides ripped out." the rest of the team looked over at her as she continued to talk quietly, a political rant brought on by Marcia distracted everyone else from hearing Raven.

"Which one?" Charlie asked,

"Michael. The one with the glowing eyes. It's the same person I saw in my vision." Raven shuddered as Fritz then joined thee loud (and controversial) conversation. Michael simply leaned back in his chair with a small smirk as they ranted. Henry simply listened in, trying his hardest not to laugh.

There conversation was cut short by an ear piercing scream coming from close by. Michael looked towards the source of it, his pupils glowing brighter than normal.

"They're here..."

A/N: And so it begins...

FNaF: Aftermath (Remake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora