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"Huh? Ah, yeah, well, he isn't our main vocal for nothing. But something doesn't fit right... Namjoona, what do you think?" now I look at the other member and he has the same expression, not sure and deep in thoughts.

" Yeah, I know what you mean. The pronunciation's off too... maybe the chorus part would be better?" I blink again realizing that the whole song must be in English, not just this part.

" Oh, so you're doing a whole English song now?" Namjoon nods, while Yoongi comunicates with Jimin.

" Yeah, we got another request from Steve Aoki for his album. But you know that they can't really speak English, so it's not possible to get everyone there."

" That's why we're having the audition now, so stop yapping, will you?" "The audition?" I ask surprised, but Yoongi just glares at me.

" Seriously, can you not? At least here, for fuck's sake, just let us do our job." I roll my eyes irritated. " Fine, I'm sorry, I'll shut up." 

I see Namjoon smirking at us and then Jimin starts singing the chorus part, I think. It's so beautiful and catchy, that I already know the lyrics just after one time. And then Yoongi slowly nods and looks at Namjoon.

" Better, right? Maybe we could fit him with Jungkook together?" "Like a background? Yeah, why not. It would be interesting." "But we still need someone for the bridge. 'Cause Teahyunga's definitely out, if you ask me." now I frown, because he's talented as hell.

" Hey, Tae's great too! Why wouldn't you let him on the track?" Yoongi literally grits his teeth at me, so Namjoon quickly answers.

" Of course he has an amazing voice, it's just he can't sing really well in English. And since it's gonna be a radio song, we don't wanna sound weird. Maybe the world knows that we're not English speakers, but still, we don't need to show it so much. Taehyunga's great, no objections, but in Korean. If you take Jungkooka for instance, he has a great pronunciation while singing, but he speaks without confidence. Tae just... sounds weird in both cases. Off. That's why we're getting Jungkook on the chorus, for sure."

" And now Jimin. And you're taking the second verse." " Yeah, that too." I narrow my eyes on my husband.

" And you? Will you be rapping in English?" he doesn't even look at me, just closes his eyes in front of the screen irritated as hell and ready to bite.

" No, Namjoon fits better." I snort. "Of course he does." he glares at me as if he wants to stragle me there and now, so Namjoon taps loudly on his notebook.

" Ok, guys, stop. So, we agreed on Jungkook, and Jimin will be taking the chorus with him, right? So now what, Jin hyung? Because Hoba doesn't even wanna try." I actually raise my brows surprised. Is he so insecure about his English this much?

" Yeah, whatever, let's hear him too. Jimina, you're free, now go get Jin hyung here." "Sure, hyung." 

Jimin quickly gets out of the room, while Namjoon writes the notes in his notebook. Yoongi sighs and leans back in his chair a bit taking his hands on the back of his head.

" I don't know what these Americans expect us to do here. I mean, sure, awesome they want us, but seriously, we're Korean, can't we do it half this half this? Like with Nicky, everyone liked it." I roll my eyes again now pushing from the wall.

" Why do you just want the easy way in everything, huh? You're so lazy, Yoongi, I don't get it." I leave the recording studio while hearing Namjoon's surprised voice.

" You, lazy? Ok, what's going on with you two again, hyung?" " Aish, give me a break, whatever." I go past Jin on the way, so we smile to each other.

"  Hey, Y/n, how's it going there?" I shrug. " Normal, I guess. You'll be recording the verse from what I heard, since Jungkook and Jimin got the chorus." he pouts, so I don't think he's happy about it.

" Heck, chorus is easier..." I just shrug and go back to our room.

After few hours I sigh again, because Yoongi still didn't even come back from the recording studio, although I heard Namjoon going into his room already like an hour ago. I bite my lip and take some Jin's bibimbap on a plate and go downstairs. I see Yoongi still on his working laptop in the studio, tapping the pen on a piece of paper irritated and frowning. I wonder what's wrong now.

I knock on the side of the doorway and he looks up at me. But then he quickly snorts. " What now, you're so bored you wanna fight again?" "Fine, starve to death, whatever."

I hear his irritated growl and through the window I see him pulling his hair and slamming his head on the desk. I blink and return to him in the end, placing the plate next to the laptop. He blinks surprised and frowns at me, so I roll my eyes.

" Just eat, Yoongi, you've been here for couple of hours already. Don't you know what breaks are for?" he snorts but takes the chopsticks and starts eating, so I sit on the chair where Namjoon was sitting before.

" I don't wanna lose my focus." "So you rather tire yourself to the limit?" he just shrugs without answering, keeping his unhappy glare on the screen while eating. I can see some more colorful diagrams of the guys' recordings and I can only speculate what are those. "Why are you like this anyways? You don't like the song?" he sighs after a second and shakes his head putting already empty plate next to the laptop.

" I don't even know. We're not good at it, different languages. And before you bite me, well, that's the truth, so zip it. Only Namjoon's fluent in English and Jungkook's not bad either. But the rest of us... not to mention the Japanese releases, but they're not that bad, so..." 

He shakes his head again scrolling through the program to look at something and sighs deeply. "I mean, Jimina pretty much got the part just because he sounds different than Jungkooka and they complete each other. And there's Namjoona with the verses and again Jungkooka on the verses too, so that Namjoona wouldn't be the only one there. But I can't just release the song with only 3 of us, that's not fair! 

Even if it's the best option right now, I don't like it. So no, I don't like the song. I don't like, when we can't be on the song as a group, as a whole. We're a fucking 7 member group, but here we are with only 3 of us sounding just alright for the English song. And I can't do shit about it! 

That's just not fair, that's why I don't really wanna collab with anyone... it's cool when they just let us do our job our way, if they wanna change us so much, then better find someone else."

Forced Marriage - Min Yoongi ff (smut 21+!)Where stories live. Discover now