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Looking around, I see Midnight running around and just making a fool of himself while having fun. Heh. That crazy stallion. Ah, but I love him. OH! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Yoichi. I'm 16 years old and own about 6,000 acres of land. I am just about to take my horses out for a ride. Want to join me? You do?! Well then, lets get the horses saddled up and head on out!

(Night's POV) (timeskip)

As I'm riding Midnight away from the ranch and into the woods, I whistle for the other two horses. I hear two cries and the sound of hooves thumping before I see two silver brumbies appear over the hill. Once they're next to me, I turn and start off on a very familiar path for all four of us.

While riding, I get the feeling that I am no longer in familiar territory and entering a new one. Suddenly I hear a scream, and me being someone who cannot sit by when a person is in need of help, urged Midnight into a gallop and I could feel that Hakko and Shiro were right behind me.

When I arrived at the scene, I was expecting to find a girl about to be raped, but what I saw instead was a man restraining a police girl surrounded by what looked like zombies. And this is where our story begins.

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