Anderson vs. Yoichi. A Battle Unlike Any Other

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 Picking up Seras, I begin making my way towards the weak point, I freeze and turn to look at Alucard and Anderson. What I see makes my blood boil with rage.


There, pinned to the wall, was Alucard and I watched as Anderson swung one of his blessed blades down towards Alucard's neck. I can hear bats flying towards the mansion, but that does not stop the rage building in my gut.

I can hear the low growling in my chest getting louder and louder as the blade gets closer and closer to Alucard's neck. And suddenly his head is flying. As I see this, I let out an unearthly screech and take off towards Anderson.

(Anderson POV)

As I cut off the monster's head, I suddenly hear an unearthly cry that makes even my skin crawl. Swiftly turning around, I'm met with the sight of the little lassy charging at me with her foreign swords out and aiming for my neck.  

Jumping to the side, I catch a glimpse of her eyes and what I see makes me wonder if I'll come out of this alive or if this is my last day on Earth.

(Yoichi's POV)

I can feel my darker tendencies starting to shine through as I swing my katanas at Anderson's throat. My blood is burning, my eyes are glowing, and I can feel my teeth turning into fangs as the rage takes over. 

The full moon is shining through the windows illuminating my figure. I can already feel my wings pressing against my back wanting to be let free, but I don't have enough room in this place to fight at full strength. Already I feel my power growing, boiling just under my skin. Waiting to be unleashed upon those whom have caused harm to the ones I consider to be part of my Colony.

As I cross swords with Anderson, I can hear Alucard speaking to Seras, attempting to convince her to drink his blood and become a full Nosferatu. Suddenly I pick up on the sound of a helicopter approaching. Turning my eyes to the window, I can see one of our choppers getting closer.

I turn back to face Anderson and pull back just in time to avoid getting my heart pierced by one of his blessed blades. Jumping back a couple times, I get into my fighting stance when the doors slam open.

With me distracted by the sound, Anderson escapes and takes off after Seras and Alucard. Jerking my head around, I growl at his retreating back and am about to pursue him when the voice of Integra stops me.

"And what do you think you're doing, Dragon Girl?"

Whirling back around so that Integra can see just how pissed off I am, I give a growled out answer.

"Trying to keep my Colony alive past the night. Anderson cut off Alucard's head and while I know that won't kill him, Seras is in real danger from that man. If he catches her, then Seras WILL die tonight. I will NOT lose one of my nakama. Not again. And not to some bastard Catholic Regenerater that wouldn't know a Nosferatu from a Neuntoer. He is possibly the biggest fool I have ever met when it comes to Vampires and the different kinds."

Eyes narrowing, Integra nods once and orders that I protect Seras at all costs. Heh. As if I wouldn't do that anyway. She's part of my Colony now, along with Alucard Seras Walter and Integra herself.

Giving a brief nod back, I turn on my toes and take off after Anderson to protect what's mine. Listening, I can hear him chanting again.

"There's no place to run. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing more than dust, and to the dust we shall return. Amen"

Rounding the last corner, I see Seras reaching out to try and escape when she's suddenly shocked. Jerking her hand back with a scream, Seras backs away from the window in fear.

"W-what is this?"

I can see Anderson smirk, enjoying the fear and pain he's causing her and myself. Well no more. As I approach, Anderson begins talking again.

"That is a Spiritual Barrier. It is impossible for vampiric creatures such as yourself to flee. Now settle down and be ready for slaughter you God damned monster."

And with those words, I strike just as Anderson was about to sever her head.

Swinging my katana in a wide arc, I use the reverse side to force Anderson flying through the air and crashing into the opposite wall.

Standing on all fours, I release my katanas and let my power flow over my body, changing me. Muscles rippling under my skin, clothes melding into fur, bones cracking and shifting, tail bone growing long and whip-like, hands and feet morphing into paws and claws, ears moving and becoming pointed atop my head, face lengthening and becoming wider.

By the time Anderson and Seras have recovered, standing there was a creature straight out of their worst nightmares.

A Hellhound.

Hellsing's Dragon (An Alucard X OC Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora