First Mission and Weapons

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When we arrive at the manor, I am brought to  room in the basement. All that was there was a coffin bed, a dresser, and a desk. Apparently this is my room from now on. Well, at least it's close to Alucard's in case those nightmares return. At least then I'd have someone to talk to. 

As I'm admiring my new home, I hear the door open and when I turn around, I see Walter there. "Excuse me, Ma'am. My name is Walter Dalnez, head butler of the Hellsing Estate. I'm here to see what type or types of weapons you are adept at using. Please follow me and we will find what suits you best." It was then that he apparently noticed that I was barefoot. I looked down at my feet before looking back at Walter and said "I was born with an extra bone in each ankle so I cannot walk on my heals. Because of this, I go barefoot everywhere. I physically cannot wear shoes. It's something I've dealt with and found to work in my favor. Especially when it comes to running." "Well now. That's certainly interesting. I'll have to file that away for later use." As we continued our conversation, we make our way towards what appears to be Integra's office.

Upon arrival, Walter opened the doors to reveal a weapons room about the size of my old home's barn. Stepping inside, I'm met with the sight of all kinds of guns, but what really caught my attention was the twin swords that were hanging on the wall with a pair of guns beside them. 

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Turning to Walter I ask "What about those swords and guns hanging on the wall? I happen to be knowledgeable in kenjutsu, the art of sword techniques

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Turning to Walter I ask "What about those swords and guns hanging on the wall? I happen to be knowledgeable in kenjutsu, the art of sword techniques. I also know my way around guns as you can tell from me carrying a shotgun all the time." Walter turned to look at what I was talking about and dread filled his face. "I am sorry ma'am, but those are weapons that...." "Of course you can attempt to wield them, my dear. But I must warn you that they tend to be rather temperamental if they don't like you." Whirling around, I come face-to-face with Alucard and Integra. Nodding once in understanding, I turn and walk up to the weapons hanging on the wall. 

Reaching out to grab the twin katanas, they seem to glow for a split second before my hand closes around the grip of both blades. Turning to the others in the room, I see that Walter and Alucard have looks of surprise whilst Integra has one of pride at the fact that I was able to pick up the blades. Turning around, I place the katanas on a table and reach for the guns. Like before, both guns seemed to give off a faint glow before disappearing right as I grab them.

Turning back to the others once more, I smile at them before grabbing a harness to place both blades in. I then hear Walter say "Ma'am, do you think that she could be the one?" "I don't know Walter, but what I do know is that this girl is different than the Police Girl. What do you think, Alucard? Could she be the one to finally tame the beast?" I could just hear the smirk in Integra's voice as she speaks to Alucard. "I don't know master, but there is something about this girl that I find very interesting. I also feel that there is something she's not telling us." BY this time I was ready to go and was just waiting for them to finish their conversation.

(The Home Of The Most Recent Victim)

"The victims' heads have been ripped off. Messages left on the walls have been written in blood. This is an offence against God and Chrism. They mock our Church, our country, and Hellsing itself."

(The Hellsing Strike Team Van)

"The target is moving on Rout 17 butchering whole households along the way! Do not leave a single Freak standing!!" I was sitting next to Seras as she tries to gather her wits. I sat there inspecting my guns and trying to figure out just how I was able to pick them up. Apparently the weapons that I chose had been made especially for the Dragon King and his children, but I couldn't possibly be from here...could I? Shaking my head, I realize that we had arrived and Alucard was beating the ever loving shit out of the first one. Turning around, I come face-to-face with the second Freak. I can see the terror in her eyes but my switch had been flipped. I no longer felt anything for this vampire. Reaching behind me, I grabbed on of my new blades and unsheathed it. Getting into a fighting stance that was all to familiar to me, the vampire turns and runs right as I take off after her.

(Seras' POV)

My master had just ordered me to shoot the other freak, but when I take a look, I see Ms. Yoichi running behind the target! Seeing this I cry out "Master! Ms. Yoichi is right behind the target! I can't shoot other wise I'll hit her!" "Then don't shoot. What weapon is she using?" I can hear the interest in his voice. When I turn back to look at her, Ms. Yoichi has a strange type of sword in her right hand and has finally cornered the other vampire. She appeared to be standing in a strange fighting stance. She was standing like she was wearing stiletto heals with her right foot on front and her left foot behind her right while turned at a 45 degree angle with her knees bent almost as though she were about to jump. Her shoulders were hunched and turned so that her right side was turned towards her opponent with the blade held in front of her face, but what really unnerved me were Ms. Yoichi's eyes. It looked like someone had taken her soul and left nothing but an empty shell of the girl that had saved me. Another thing that I noticed about her eyes were the fact that her pupils were slits! Now that is creepy.

(Alucard's POV)

Staring out at Yoichi, I couldn't help but to be strangely intrigued by the power flowing from her. Police Girl then cried out "She's Using some strange sword I've never seen before! It looks like something from another country! It's long and thin only one sharp edge. What kind of sword is that, master?" Turning to my new fledgling, I say "That type of sword is called a katana. It's a Japanese weapon and the girl has two of them. They were forged by me for an old friend that has long since passed." Turning back to the girl, I watch as her muscles tense before she suddenly springs forward swinging the blade in a forward arc thus beheading the vampire and killing it instantly. Turning around, I say "Police Girl, go get Yoichi and tell her that it is time to go. My master will most likely have another assignment for us by the time we get back." I then meld into the shadows and return to the estate.

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