Vampires, Hellhounds, and Humans

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(Anderson's POV)

Groaning in pain, I sit up and assess the damage of whatever the hell it was that hit me. Suddenly I hear a distinct growling whine that can only belong to one creature. One straight from the gates of Hell itself.

Jerking my head up, I come face-to-bloody-face with one of the largest Hellhounds I had ever seen (not that I'd seen many, and the ones I did were just cubs). Then I notice the strange swords that the lassy had been carrying around with her. Eyes widening, I look back at the Hell beast and see the same golden eyes that had stared me down at the beginning of this mess. i was not prepared to be facing a Hound tonight.

Standing up I raise my bayonets and prepare to strike when suddenly gunfire sounds off and my bayonets are full of holes and falling to pieces.

(Yoichi's POV)

About bloody fucking time, Integra. I was taking a huge gamble in changing to this form and if you hadn't shown up when you did, I most likely would have ended up loosing control to my dark half.

Changing back, I can feel my body returning to its original state. Once back in my human body, I reach down and pick up my katana before placing them back in the sheaths. Turning to Integra along with Anderson, she begins to speak.

"Those girls belong to me. What's your business here, Paladin of Iscariot, Father Alexander Anderson?"

Anderson turns to face Integra fully whilst lowering his blades.

"Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. To what do I owe the honor of such a personal appearance?"

"Enough Father Anderson. This is a violation of our agreement. The situation is under our control. Withdraw immediately. Neither the Iscariot nor the Hellsing can afford this sort of battle. I don't care who you think you are. This act of aggression ends now."

"*grin* Withdraw? Is that an order?"

Unsheathing one of his blades, Anderson tenses his body (though only Yoichi notices) and seems to be having a bit of a laugh at Integra's expense. Tensing my own body just so, I prepare to intervene at any given time.

"You expect the Iscariot, God's own chosen instruments of Judgment to just "withdraw" on your order? Did you really expect me to run away screaming in fear from a filthy Protestant WHORE?!"

Taking off, Anderson charges at Integra, but I slowed by the bullets being fired at him. He makes his way to Integra, taking the bullets as though they were mere pebbles and cuts down the two agents with her. Integra thinks and moves fast as she draws her sword and blocks Anderson's. Narrowing my eyes, I kick off the ground and launch myself at Anderson whilst drawing my black gun.

"An artificially, bio-engineered Regenerater agent. And they've upgraded your healing. You're a Thing." 

Appearing in front of Anderson, thus forcing him to stop in his tracks, and jam the barrel of the gun into his jaw. My switch has officially been flipped and now I feel nothing for this monster in human flesh. I can see the shock in his eyes at my sudden appearance from almost nowhere, but he shakes it off and grins whilst taunting Integra.

"Perhaps. But you're nothing but weak. You're worthless. And as for that pathetic pet vampire you love to parade around, you just missed his decapitation."

Grinning, Integra and I shared an amused look.

"You cut his head off? Is that all?"


Suddenly there's the sound of a very heavy gun being pointed at something and Seras' voice ringing out loud and clear.

"Get your hands off Sir Integra."

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