*Chapter 8: Companion

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Chapter 8:


Lord Bertrand gazed upon the group of young vampire before him as they knelt, beaten and bloodied, before him. Many tried to escape the grip of the members of the execution task force who held them in place but were always held firmly in place. Bertrand smiled wickedly as he took in a deep breath, savoring their fear one last time before beginning of the long, painful, process of ending their lives.


Eva laid on her bed staring wide eyed up at the ceiling. It was late into the morning and she had missed her first class of the day. She couldn't muster up the energy to go to class after realizing what had happened the day before. Her mind was having trouble processing it all, it seemed surreal. The reason for her lost memories, why her Gran had never let her venture out after school or leave the house when she was in high school, it was all to protect her from Bertrand who in the end had found her anyway because of her ignorance. It irritated her that her Gran would take have Spectra take so many of her memories away. If she'd known about Bertrand she could have let him die that night two years ago and she would be free. Instead here she was, sitting on her bed stressing over things that couldn't be changed. She sighed at her racing thoughts.

"I need to talk to her," She decided finally. "It's the only way to know what was going on in her head and get the rest of my questions answered."

Her mind went to the elderly woman. Lucile was her last living relative that she knew of and had been extremely protective of her after the death of her parents. She would never allow her to go out with friends when she had actually managed to make some and wouldn't even consider allowing Eva to join clubs. She kept the young woman under close watch, having her help out with her herb garden and the process of drying out herbs to make tonics, oils, and salves. Those were fun times, she recalled fondly. Working with herbs and plants was something she found she was very good at.

She recalled when Eva received her university acceptance letter. Gran was so happy for her and was ready to support her one hundred percent, but when she found out Eva would have to live in one of the apartments near the school the elder threw a fit. It's too dangerous for a young woman like you to stay in the city! She'd argue and then when Eva would not budge on the issue she would attempt to guilt trip the young woman into complacency. Why do you want to leave? She'd sob. Have I not given you everything you've ever wanted? Do you hate me so much you wish to get as far from me as possible?! Those words in the past when she wanted to do something would have Eva bowing her head in submission but when it came to school she refused to give up. Art was her passion and, though she knew it wasn't something practical to go to school for, she wanted to pursue it, felt that she had to.

Eventually Lucile gave in, but not before she was able to find a house on Long island, and hour or so drive away from Eva's home in Manhattan, where if anything had gone wrong she could get to her grand-daughter in a hurry. Eva remembered her first semester her Gran was over all the time checking in on her embarrassing the young in front of her roommate and the other inhabitants of the dorm. To her surprise after the first semester and seeing how happy and safe Eva was her Gran backed off a bit and reduced her number of visits to simple phone calls once a week.

"She's gonna flip when I tell her what's happened." She muttered to herself as she made her way to the parking lot where her car sat rested having spent a week in the same spot without moving. A part of her hoped it would start after sitting for so long in the cold.

"Ok girl let's go see Gran," she whispered fondly to the as she turned the key in the ignition and smiled when it sprung to life without the slightest issue.

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