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~ Take my money, My house and my cars. For one hit of you. You can have it all, baby cause makin love. Everytime we do. Girl it's worse than drugs. Cause i'm an addict over you. And you know that I. I can't leave you alone You got me feenin. Feenin you got me feenin Got me goin crazy ~



When the police officers came to get me they were a bit surprised . I mean imagine they were expecting some rough looking manly female that looked hella dangerous. But instead you get a pregnant, sweet looking, 5'0, 17 year old holding a tray full of Hawaiian punch and Oreos, wearing a hello kitty onesie that was entirely too long. Yeah sounds pretty dangerous huh?

I was still standing behind Lov but they could see me. They stepped in and scanned around asking where I was & little did they know I was right there. I was really tempted to run my big ass up those steps an find one way out this house before they caught on and recognized my face, cause being scared to go to jail was an understatement for my fear at that moment.


" Now you said that Leon had been stalking you since the age of 12 correct? "

I looked to the women and nodded my head yes.

" When I am speaking to you, you respond with words not body language or simple gestures " In my head I was making the stankest face ever but I kept it together on the outside. " Yes ma'am he did, well at least that's what he told me"

"And then you went on to tell me that he left you a bag of money, a car, and a phone. Mrs. Michaels what exactly did you do with that money and car?"

"I put the money in a savings account for our baby and I still have the car for transportation"

" And the phone?"

" I pawned it for $70.00"

" and what did you do with that?"

" I used it to pay towards the car insurance for the car"

" Mhmm Mrs. Micheals did you marry your husband for money? "

" What? What kind of absurd question is that? Excuse my language but which place did you pull that bullshit from? Your ass or the side of your neck? After I specifically told your JJ Walker looking ass that I woke up married! I didnt have a fucking choice! He paid my mother 3.5 million dollars so that he could take me and marry me ! They had her consent not mine! None of this was what I wanted.. What don't you understand about I didn't have any control over this? I didn't want any of this to happen. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't steal anything. I just want to go home and be happy."

She stood back from me with a facial expression that told she was taken back by my response. I was highly irritated, hungry, had to pea, swollen feet, and tired of answering the same damn question over and over again. I guess they were expecting my answers to change but why change the truth?

"So instead of going on with your marriage you killed both your spouse and mother so you could live a better life? You just snapped right?"

" No I did not you dumb ass remedial bitch! How many times must I repeat myself? I sound like a broken record. Must I spell it? N-O-I-D-I-D-N-O-T Or must I say it In another language? "

"Mrs. Micheals you will not take that tone with me"

"As long as I'm being called Mrs. Michaels you will"

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