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You snapped back into reality when a bullet whizzed by your head, digging into the oak wood pillar behind you. You ducked behind Logan as he snarled and faced the attackers.

"Logan! What's happening?" You screamed over the sounds of gunfire and shouts of terror, lifting up a table to use as cover.

"Just keep your head down!" Logan replied, dodging a bullet and rolling on the floor.

You dove behind the table, ducking down and covering your head. Your curiosity got the best of you and you peeked over the edge. What you saw horrified you.

Several bullets struck Logan with dull, wet smacks. You saw blood beginning to stain his shirt and you gasped, covering your mouth. But Logan stood there before the men with guns, completely unfazed. The bullet holes in his arms and chest slowly filled in and healed themselves.

"What the hell are you?!" You screamed, gripping the edge of the table tightly.

He turned and smirked at you, a flash of white teeth gleaming. "I'm the Wolverine, sweetheart." And with that, three 7 inch long adamantium claws slid out from in between his knuckles on each hand. They gleamed and sparkled as he held them up in a defensive position.

You covered your mouth and gasped, not believing what you were seeing. "He's.... he's the Wolverine?!" You remembered him from the stories you were told as a child. They told you that he was a mutant, and mutants were bad. But you were a mutant too, so did that make you bad?

You looked down as your fingernails slowly lengthened into 3 inch claws that were sharp enough to slice through almost anything. Your fangs peeked out from behind your lips and you smiled.

Logan roared in anger, launching himself at one of the armed men. His claws sliced straight through his neck, blood spurting out as he yanked backwards and threw him aside.

You hissed, leaping from your hidden position and tackling one of the men. You scratched up his face and slit his throat, jumping away before he fell on you. By that time, Logan had maimed the rest of the gunmen.

He was covered in blood as he turned around to face you, sweat glistening on his forehead. He saw your bloodstained fangs and claws and chuckled lightly, sheathing his claws. "So I wasn't hallucinating, huh?"

Your nails shrunk back to their normal size and your fangs tucked away behind your lips. You brushed yourself off, seeing that you had ruined your outfit with blood. "I suppose so. So you're the Wolverine? You seem more handsome than what I've been told."

Logan laughed some more, gesturing for you to walk out of the bar with him. You left it as a bloody mess with the bartender hiding like a whimpering coward behind the counter, along with several other people.

You set foot outside, the wind chilling you to the bone. "Why are you here, Logan?"

Logan sighed, sitting down on a barrel and wiping the blood from his knuckles. "I'm on the run. The people who created me want me back, but I sure as hell ain't goin' back..." he muttered, looking at the ground. He looked up at you, a twinkle in his eyes. "So you're a mutant too? What do they call you?"

"I am a mutant with no code name. They never felt like I needed one." You replied, kicking at the dirt with your shoes.

"Fair enough. What are you doing out here?"

"I'm not sure, actually. I somehow ended up here after I escaped my torturers. I've been wandering the countryside for what seems like forever..." you mumbled, your hair blowing gently in the wind.

"Hmm... gets pretty lonely, doesn't it?" Logan asked, rising from his seated position and stretching. The blood on his shirt had already dried and caked all over him.

"What do you mean?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Well, you have no one to talk to.... you have no one to keep you company.... stuff like that." Logan continued, beginning to walk off towards the woods.

You followed him, not wanting to be left alone. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Are you alone too?"

"I've been alone for pretty much my entire life. Ever since this happened to me," he paused, unsheathing his claws. "I've been on the run."

"That's crazy...." you whispered, suddenly remembering something. "Wait a minute, how did you not get hurt by those bullets? The wounds healed by themselves!" You exclaimed, struggling to keep up with his long strides and quick pace.

"Hehe, yeah. You can thank my healing factor for that. Whenever I get hurt, I can heal myself no problem." Logan chuckled, pushing aside a few tree branches that were in his way.

It was starting to get quite dark and you were wondering where Logan was going.

"That's amazing! Hey... where are we going?" You asked, rubbing your hands together and shivering.

"I've made camp in an abandoned cabin out here. We can stay there until morning, then we'll have to leave." Logan said in a gruff voice, climbing over a boulder.

"Why do we have to leave?"

"Because they will be coming for us. They know where I am and that you're with me. We're wanted targets now."

Lovestruck 💗 [DISCONTINUED] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora