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The day was spent with me continuously zoning out and being in my head too much. I hardly remember the day spent with my family. I recall finally getting home late that night and being exhausted by my thoughts. After spending a bit more time with the family in the living room, my tiredness got to me and I said goodnight to them all. Before getting into bed, I sat at my desk where I kept some of my records. I was examining the Rubber Soul album when I soon felt my eyes growing heavy. Then, there was a familiar voice, "Sarah?" I was too tired to reply and shrugged it off as someone trying to wake me from the desk. I heard a bit of a laugh before I realized my position. My forehead was lying on on my arm which I assumed was resting on a table. I cracked open my eyelids slowly and saw the low light. I lifted my head to see George standing in front of me with an amused smile on his face. "Oh thank god it's you. I was going to be so embarrassed if it were someone else," he said with a chuckle and continued, "How come ya always seem to be passed out when I see ya?" I tried to make sense of what was going on. "Mmyeah tired a lot." I spilled out. He laughed at my mess of a sentence. "I guess you came back to see us perform huh? We've gotten a lot better since you saw us last." I looked around quickly and saw I once again in the cavern. "This time with shoes!" He laughed. I looked down and saw I was wearing my knee length black skirt with a white blouse and paired with some little black pumps. I took pride in wearing nineteen-fifties/nineteen-sixty inspired outfits. They seemed to be paying off considering my dreams had me wearing whatever I fell asleep in.

Dreams. It wasn't a dream. I began panicking at how I knew this wasn't a dream like I had been trying to convince myself it was. Then it hit me. Time felt to slow down as the reality of what was happening began to creep on me and steadily turned into anxiety. I could my palms begin to sweat along with the inside of my cheeks salivate. This usually meant I was going to vomit. It took all my courage to put up one finger and blurt "Restroom???" I accidentally cut off whatever he was going to say "You kn- Oh okay, yeah, I'll show you." As I stood, I could feel the dread of feeling like I had lost my mind run through my legs and arms. My walk started to become weak and I hardly made it to the entrance when my limbs finally gave out, to which I was met with a slouch on the cold dirty ground of the ladies restroom with my back against the wall. I could hear the faintest of whispers and snickering as blurs of woman and young girls passed by me to exit. I didn't know if I had lost my mind and if I didn't, how this could happen? The millions of questions went through my mind as I sat on the floor. Last time? How long was it since I had seen them last? Am I jumping through different times? I analyzed every single thing in my head painfully. I had must've been in there for quite some time because a young lady, who resembled the style of Tuesday Weld which she matched with just a bit too much of a floral perfume, stood in front of me and said something along the lines of, "Sarah? You're friend, George, is wanting to know if you're okay?" With each thick Liverpudlian syllable, I gradually was pulled of my trance. I gave a half-assed smile and somewhat nodded my head. She nodded with a friendly smile and walked out. I've got to get up, I thought to myself.
My wobbly legs lifted me and I gently dusted off whatever dirt accumulated on my black pencil skirt. As I walked to the mirror and sink, I thought of how all of this could go so terribly bad. I could slip up and say something about the future of their band. Or maybe effect the band itself. I could feel the anxiety start to set back in and this time I tried to just relax. I closed my eyes and remembered how my therapist told me to navigate my anxiety attacks. Except she probably hadn't even been fucking born yet and those relaxation exercises didn't include what to do when you are somewhere unfamiliar like 1961 in fucking Liverpool. I knew my heart palpitations would start if I didn't calm myself. It's okay, I breathed to myself. I could go home anytime, I knew that, but if I kept coming back, maybe I should just stay for a while. Maybe I had gone insane or maybe I was in a coma, either way it was at that moment I had decided to stay. Despite all the awful things that go wrong. After that decision, I had to worry about the fact I was in front of the actual Beatles. Two of which were already dead. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply through nose. I was thinking of how I knew no one would ever believe me. I opened my eyes and looked at my reflection. "Alright" I whispered to myself. Thinking twice, I finally made my way out.

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