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As I walked through the cold morning weather, my hair flying everywhere because of the strong wind and my small hands in my pockets, I saw Ethan arguing with somebody on his phone, screaming profanities. I asked myself with who could he be arguing at 8 AM on a Monday morning, but I kept walking to the bus station. After 5 minutes of waiting he finally arrived and took a seat next to me, and immediately my cheeks turned a shade of crimson red but it could have been from the cold December weather.

I was contemplating  if I should ask him about the phone call but I also didn't want to be too nosy. It wasnt none of my buisnes but it intrigued me , with who could he be talking at this hour?

"Are you okay?" I asked , my voice above a whisper

"hmm?" He hummed in response

"I uh ... didn't mean to be nosy but I heard your phone call and wanted to know if everything is ok?" I ask him.As he looked at me I felt small tingles in my face and hands, traveling along in my body giving my body a great feeling of warmth. He   slightly grins , mumbeling something under his breath that I couldnt hear because if the noisy cars passing by.

"Yeah, everything is alright" he said , but I could hear the dissapointnment in his beatiful voice. He wasnt ok , something happened.

"Oh ... ok. " I say. Not wanting to continue the conversation he looked forward, giving me a perfect view of his side profile. I knew he wasnt okay at all , his posture , the tone in his voice and his eyes . I can see in his eyes the sadness and the disappointment that he is going trough and I am really curious. My toughts were stopped when he spoke again , leaving me a bit shocked.

"Will you be staying here for the holidays or will you go back home in Illions?" he asked looking back at me. 

" No , I have to stay here to work on some things , and I wont have time to go home" I answear making his eyebrows arch upward , looking a bit shocked by my answer.

" Well Im gald I wont be the only one staying here." he says getting up from the bench "See you around Arete "and he hops inside a black BMW where his brother could be seen , chilling with his right arm on the steerin wheel and in the left one there was a ciggarett, leaving and  letting me with a question roaming my mind.

how does he know my name if I never told him?

how does he know where I live?

Ok girlies , chapter 2 is here and I really hope you enjoy the story.
Thank you to everyone that has been voting and commenting on the last chapter , I really appreciate it.
Have a great day and never forget , Ily no matter what ♡

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