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This chapter contains domestic violence and strong language

(listen to each time we fall in love by cigarettes after sex for the full experience)

As tears slowly spread across my cheeks and muffled whimpers came out of my mouth I kept looking at the empty spot on my mother's bed , feeling pain and guilt build up in my mind and pressure on my chest. My fingertips were too cold and my cheeks were too warm. The combination of those two temperatures meeting made my stomach hurt.
Screams were heard and punches were thrown at the back of my head , making my body fall on the floor. Pain in my face and pain was the only thing I felt , but I didn't stop it , I felt like I deserved it. As the punches emidiatley stopped I didnt open my eyes , I just layed there , not having the power to get up . Although whimpers came out of my mouth from time to time my body couldn't move , even if I wanted to. " That's what you get , you fucking whore! That is what you do now? You talk and look at boys? Are you A SLUT NOW? " I heard my father yell as he left the bedroom. The front door slammed making the whole house shake, and the motor of the car roared loudly. I didnt care he got in the car drunk , it wouldn't be the first or the last time. My body was still laying on the floor , bruises covering my face and my back. It was something new , since my mother left , exactly 2 months ago , my father has been getting drunk trying  to run away from the awful pain he felt in his chest , I dont blame him.
I got up , still sobbing and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I wanted to call somebody , but I just didnt know who. As I sat on the bathtub going through my contact list , I saw his name pop up. "Jesus no I can't do that. I barely know him. He will think I have daddy issues or something like that" my mind told me , but my fingers did otherwise. Putting the phone to my ear , one ring passed and I heard his voice on the other line. "Hi !"  he said to me. I stayed in silence for a bit and my cries were still herd on the other line. "You're crying. I'm coming over right now" he told me and emidiatley hung up , I wanted to call him back because he didnt know my address. He will eventually realise that and send me a message asking for my location.

I put my phone down and looked myself in the mirror. My check bone had a dark shade of purple , and my lip was cut. He went too far now . I wiped my face with little cotton swabs and went downstairs to get a pack of ice , to calm down the swollen parts of my face. As I took the ice-pack out the doorbell rang loudly, two-three times. I ran towards it and looked through the peep hole. There he was , standing at my front door. His brown hair was slightly messy , his face was puffy as if he just  woke up and he wore a loose long sleeve t-shirt and black sweatpants. I opened the door slowly.
He didnt say a thing. He just looked at me with sorrow plastered on his face. Eyebrows scrunched and lips pouted. I was unconsciously tearing up , I dint want him to see me in this state , but he didnt care. I stepped aside and let him inside, but he didnt take his eyes off of me. There was something different in his eyes. It wasn't anger , it wasn't happiness either. A mixture of sadness , anger and ... love. His right hand caressed my face slowly , trying not to hurt me in any possible way. "Oh baby..." he barely whispered while looking at my bruises. He engulfed me in a tight hug .
Jesus , that is when I felt like nothing could ever hurt me again. Pure bliss , no sexual pleasure , but something different. Fuck it , I felt love. So much love. He realesed from the hug, leaving my body cold and slightly empty. Taking my hand in his , he took me outside towards his car. It was cold. I didnt say nothing tough. I didnt care I just wanted to go get lost with him . He opened the door for me and I quickly got inside. He then climbed inside too , handing me from the backseat a beautiful orange hoodie. " Put it on , you will be cold". I nodded and without hesitation throwed it on me. His scent was still lingering on it. The sweet but manly scent he had. I loved it. Ethan started up the engine and backed up the car slowly. No words were exchanged, it was just the both of us , Cigarettes after sex playing in the background and my hand in his. He didnt let go , the whole entire road. I dint know where we were going, but when we got there ... oh God was it beautiful.

I'm extremely sorry for the long wait , it's been months since I haven't updated this book. I've been going through so things , that I'll be sharing on my new book SUMMER ROLLERCOASTER (plug) . Go check it out if you want! Also , this chapter us super long, I tought you guys deserved it. Where do you think Ethan and Arete will go? Hint , last chapters image kind says where, lol sry love u all ok byeee ❤❤❤

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