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I heard low squeals over the music from my headphones. Arching my brows, I turned up the volume and drowned myself in the beat of the music. However, after a while of enjoying my world, my music stopped and high-pitched vocals intruded my eardrums.

"You have the nerve to ignore me like that!" Squeaky voice, brown hair, dark eyes, even skin and petite frame: that is unfortunately, my best friend, Samantha.
"Oh, you were there." I fixed my sitting posture and removed my headphones hanging from my neck.
"Oh, you were there." Samantha mimicked while placing down her frappe on the table. "I've been ringing your number all morning, and you haven't answered a single call." Crossing her arms together, she heaved a sigh and gave me a straight look. "Explain yourself."
I checked my phone to see if there were really calls, and I was surprised to see that there were 25 missed calls on my call history. "Oh, I was on silent mode, my bad." I flashed an apologetic smile towards her.
She rolled her eyes and sat on the chair across me irritated. "Throw your phone away, it's useless." She took a sip of her frappe.

"You don't have work today?" I asked, also taking a sip of my Americano, now slightly cold.
"I took a day off. My job is pretty stressing if you try to think about it. I do all the errands, plan the attires, does the make-up." she rolled her eyes and sighed. "For a 21 year-old, I look like 30 because of my work. Lucky me my artist is on rest this whole week." She looked at me intently. "You. How did your application go this time? No luck?"
I fiddled my finger around my cup of coffee. "I'm in."
"Well, that's nice." She sipped on her frappe as she tapped along on her phone screen. I stared at her, wondering if that would be her only reaction after telling her that news.

After a few seconds, she choked on her drink and coughed heavily. I stood up slightly agitated and approached her to tap her back. "Hey, what happened you stupid girl! Can't you drink slowly?" People sitting nearby started peeking at us with worried expressions. I went to the counter to ask for water and rushed back to Samantha. I was handing her the glass of water, but she waved my hand away and looked at me, still trying to recover her breath.

"You got accepted? For real?!" She exclaimed. I arched my brows in confusion as I slowly nodded as an answer to her question. She suddenly jumped up and hugged me tight. "I knew it! That composition is the only key, Sophie!" She tightened her hug, almost close to suffocating me out of air. "I'm so proud of you!" she showered my face with pecks and kisses.
"Eww! Gross! Stop it Samantha!" I pushed her away, bringing her back down on her seat. "Alright, alright. Calm down now." I placed the glass of water down in front of her as I returned to my own seat.

"NO! How can I calm down?! Dang! My best friend, Sophie Alexis Mendoza, best composer of all time!" She acted out like she was some MC giving me a trophy in an awarding event. "You got accepted! OMG, I can't believe this! You're one step closer to your dreams!" She sighed and smiled at me. "Have you told Aunt Sarah?"
"Not yet. I can't risk her getting too excited. I know she'll react the same way you did." I fidgeted with my fingers under the table. "I'll try and tell her slowly."
"She'll be delighted to know you're in, Sophie."

I took out an old notebook from my bag and handed it over to Samantha. "Can you check these out? You always pick the best out of them."
"Of course! Oh, that company is so lucky for picking you." Samantha giggled while scanning through my compositions, but she stopped midway and looked at me. "Which company did you get accepted anyway?"
"Ridge Star Ent." I shrugged. "I discovered they have a pretty nice reputation in the music industry."

"Ridge Star Ent.?! You Applied and got accepted in that Entertainment company.?!" She asked in a high voice making customers sitting close to us turn to look in our direction.
"Can you keep it down." I hissed. "Yeah, why?"

Samantha looked as if a bucket of cold water has been thrown over at her. "Sophie, I don't think you should go on." She stated slowly, now obviously serious.
"Why not?" I asked a little pent up. "Come on, Samantha. This is my first time getting accepted and you want to drag me down immediately?"
"No. It's not like that, Sophie." She starts biting her lower lip: a habit she usually does when she has something she's not sure whether to say or not.
"Then what?" I asked, this time getting a little nervous as well with what she has to say.

A strike of silence dawned us before she was able to answer. An answer I hoped I never should've heard.

"Remember how he got famous?" I looked at Samantha trying to think who she was talking about, but as soon as I realized how she stressed it out I couldn't help but put on a sour face.
"Why is he being mentioned in this conversation?" Too bitter.
"Please don't get too shocked." I took note of her warning and prepared myself for whatever information she has in stored, but I hope I never heard it at all.

"Your Ex-Boyfriend is the top Artist of that entertainment company that hired you."

His EX and RegretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora