Chapter Two

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"I can't show him any emotions. I shouldn't. Not Anymore."  

Chapter Two

"He smiled at you?" Samantha asked, seemingly not amazed.

Everything went well for Sophie's first day. The work load didn't seem too hectic for her. In fact, it is a job she would likely enjoy out of all the jobs she has tried. It seems as if her life is going how she has dreamed it to go. Working with people you share the same passion, and doing tasks not out of the idea that it is your duty, but because it is something you desire to do.

"Yeah .. he kind of did." She responded to Samantha.
"What did you do?" Samantha asked once again.
"Nothing." Sophie starts scribbling on the sheet of paper in front of her.
"What did you feel?"
Sophie paused and tried to reminisce the scene and recall how she felt, but she couldn't decipher how she felt. "Nothing."
Samantha sighed. "Sophie, just be honest and tell me what you really felt."
"I'm being honest. I felt nothing." Sophie lied.

"Then what is the point of this phone call?" Sophie stopped scribbling on the paper. "Soph, you're the kind of person who cares less of the things that happens around you, but it seems like you care that much for the stupid smile of that jerk that you have come to the point of giving me a phone call, which you seldom do as well, just to tell me he smiled at you." Samantha's tone clearly indicates that she is not amused by Sophie's reaction to his Ex's smile.

"I don't care about him, Samantha. He's long gone from my concerns." Sophie tapped the pen hard on the paper.
"Say that to me again when you have come to the point that everything he does won't affect you anymore."
"He does not affect me in any aspects anymore! You know that! I've moved on for God knows how long." Sophie crumpled the paper out of irritation and threw the pen off on the table.

Samantha let out a sigh of defeat. "Whatever. I got to go. I'll come to your apartment later then we'll talk, yeah? See ya!" Samantha dropped the call even before Sophie could protest.

Sophie felt irritated. She's wondering why Samantha would even think that she is still affected by her Ex when she's been there all along. She should know how hard she managed herself to move on and leave all the feelings in the past. It doesn't make any sense. It's all non-sense.

"Ms. Mendoza?"

Sophie immediately stood up as a reflex with her name being called out. "Yes?"

A tall lady stood in front of her. Fair skin, even brows, slim legs: she looks like a celebrity. "Hi! I'm Nina." She offered her hand which Sophie gladly took. "Come with me, I'll be showing you around. You know, and introduce you to your new work mates." She flashed a sweet smile across her face, which made Sophie a little envious at how perfect she looked like.

Sophie obediently followed Nina and tagged behind her. They first went to a room, more like a studio with seven to ten people inside busy discussing their own specific work.

"Nina!" A middle aged man called out which captured the attention of the two woman who just came in. "I've been searching for you."
Nina smiled sweetly and turned towards the man. "My apologies sir, is there anything you want me to do?"
"I want the draft for next month's schedule within this day. We need to adjust since we are short in time." The man brushed his hand across his hair before he was able to notice Sophie. "You are?" he asked.
Nina immediately nudged closer to Sophie and did the honors of introducing her to the man in front of them. "Sir, this is Sophie Alexis Mendoza. The newly hired composer."
"Oh, so you're that girl." The man smiled meaningfully. "I'll see you around. You two can go now." The man waved the two ladies away.

As soon as they took their exit Nina started her orientation speech to Sophie. "Since it is my job to assist you for today, might as well make sure I don't bore you out." She smiled and led Sophie to an empty hallway leading to another staff room. "That man you met there was Max. He's kind of one of the boss here, but he mainly takes care of organizing the schedule of our artists and arranging the pattern of song release for each artists."

Sophie nodded slightly getting curious of how operations in a big entertainment company like this goes. "There's a pattern in the release of songs?"
"Why of course there is." They stopped in front of a big door with loud music ringing right behind it.
"What's the pattern for?"
Nina placed her hand on the knob. "The pattern, sweetie, is needed to make sure that we can utilize our standing in the music board. Plus, audience impact: you have to make your audience anticipate for what's coming next. That way we can assure that they'll maintain their interest in all the music of our artist and entertainment." She winked over to Sophie before opening the door. They entered a room filled with big dressers and mirrors, and everyone inside is busy as well.

"Everyone!" Nina shouted calling out everyone's attention. Sophie stood frozen as everyone in the room turned to look towards their direction. "We have a new recruit today. Let me introduce Sophie Alexis to all of you"

Nina pulled Sophie closer to her and she whispered. "Introduce yourself."
"Oh, I'm Sophie Alexis Mendoza. I'm glad to be of help to everyone here. Please treat me well." Sophie flashed an awkward and almost hilarious smile which made Nina chuckle.
"Okay, back to business everyone!" Nina gave Sophie a light squeeze on her shoulder. "You're going to do just fine over here, I can feel it."
Sophie fidgeted with her fingers. "You didn't have to call their attention . . . they all seem busy."
"Oh, don't worry! I'm the head in this department." Sophie stared at Nina for a long second before one of the staffs called Nina's attention. "Yeah, I need to have it .."

Sophie was waiting for Nina to finish her conversation with her staff, but she was suddenly dragged out the room and pushed against a wall. She was about to complain, but a familiar scent traveled down her nose, freezing her up like an ice cold statue.

"Alexis?" A stern and cold voice muttered. "That's you right?" Sophie fought the urge of wanting to look up to the man's face. She was keeping her gaze nailed down on the floor.

"What do you want?" Sophie managed to ask. Head down and voice trembling.

"Why are you here?" the man asked in a hard voice. "You shouldn't be here. Get out of here."

Sophie was enraged with the demand of making her leave. "You don't own this place. You're just an artist here." She snapped. "I'm here for my work. Don't get any wrong ideas." Sophie pushed him off.

The man sarcastically laughed. "Work?" He asked mockingly. He took a step closer to Sophie. "What work can you possibly have here?"

Sophie stared at him with a sharp eye. "Composer." She stated. "You're not the only one who gets to turn your dreams to reality.

The man slammed his hands on the wall, locking Sophie in between his arms. Sophie flinched out of shock and fear. "Are you trying to piss me off? Get out of here. I don't want to see you here." The man demanded voice full of authority. "Stop running after me. Don't make a scene, Alexis."

Sophie cried out a laugh of amusement. "As I said, you're just an artist in this place, and if there is someone trying to make a scene, that's not me, that's you, Axel."

Sophie pushed his arms off. "I've abandoned my feelings for you a long time ago." She smirked, but the pain remains visible in her eyes as memories of the past came rushing at her. "Just like how you abandoned me a long time ago."

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