Chapter Six

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"Sometimes when you lie, you will come to a point of fooling your ownself on believing that your lie is the truth."

Chapter Six

"Sophie!" Samantha squealed as soon as she saw Sophie entering the house. "Guess what?" She walked up to Sophie all giddy and excited. Sophie responded by raising a brow. "I'm going on a round trip to Florida FOR FREE!"

"Shut up." Sophie exclaimed; amazed by Samantha's news.
"Amazing right?!" Samantha jumped up and down in excitement.
"Why- -I mean, what for?" they both walked to Sophie's small couch.
"Juri will have a shoot there for his new Music Video, and he has some other affairs with advertising companies over there and I am his beautiful companion." Samantha flips her hair.

Sophie placed the plastic bag she's carrying over the small table in front of them and smiled at Samantha. "You'll most likely be his slave rather than companion." Samantha glared at Sophie. She stood up and hits Sophie on her shoulder afterwards took the plastic bag with her to the kitchen.

Sophie followed Samantha and watches her while she prepares her food. She's contemplating whether to tell Samantha what happened. She doesn't want Samantha thinking that she is still affected by her Ex Boyfriend.

"Why are you standing there looking like a toddler who broke a glass vase for?" Samantha asked, busy pouring a boiling water to her cup of instant noodles.
"What are you talking about?" Sophie asked blinking.
Samantha looked at her direction and dropped her gaze down on Sophie's fidgeting against one another. "Tell your fingers to stop doing that when you're bothered or nervous."
Sophie immediately hid her hands in the pocket of her pants. Samantha smiles and shook her head as she walks to the refrigerator.

"Hey, guess what?" Sophie started.
"What?" Samantha asked eyes focused on the refrigerator, searching for something to drink.
"He- -messed up with me again. He was teasing me and playing with me." Sophie confessed.
"I thought Matt will not be back until tomorrow?" Samantha misinterprets.
"No .. Not Matt. I mean him." Sophie repeats creating a meaningful stress at the mention of 'him'.

Samantha looks at Sophie as she closes the refrigerator door. "Are you telling me, your ex finally noticed your presence=." Samantha asked expressionless. Sophie nodded as a response. "I don't think there's something unusual about that. I mean he is supposed to talk to you, right?"
Sophie sighed. "I mean, he messed up with me this morning and . . . Last night. I panicked like that because I ran in to him."

Samantha looked at Sophie in disbelief. "What is that bastard doing here?" She walked up close to Sophie and checked her up. "You're not hurt, right? Nothing hurts right? Right?" Samantha looks at Sophie with a worried sick face. Somehow Sophie felt touched that her best friend worries about her this much. "What did he do?" Samantha asked in a warning tone.
"I'm okay, Sam." Sophie chuckled. "It happened last night, had something happened you would've known." She smiled. "Nothing bad happened."

"Tell me." Samantha softly stated.

Something in Sophie's heart churned and made Sophie soft as well. She flashed a bitter smile before crashing on to Samantha's shoulder as she quietly lets her tears roll down from her eyes.

"This is so stupid. Why am I crying?" Sophie softly laughed as she wipes of her tears.
"You're not stupid, okay? He's the stupid one here. Stop crying, yeah?" Samantha holds Sophied hand and waits for her to talk.

"I was so sure about it." Sophie sobbed. He breathes a sigh of defeat and frustration. "For how many years .. I've prepared myself. That when I see him, I would feel nothing anymore. When I see him it's as if he's just a stranger. But why is it that even just a mention of his name, the walls that I built so hard suddenly shatters as if it was never there in my heart? And- -and why does he have to shake me up like he actually half care about me? He talks with me as if he didn't kill me before." Sophie felt her knees getting weak. She falls down on the floor, Samantha supporting her so she wouldn't have a painful crash on the floor. "I lied I was over it, I believed in my own lie .. And it's hunting me now."

Samantha envelopes Sophie on a warm and comforting embrace; preventing Sophie from seeing her tearing up as well. "Shh .. I understand Sophie, I understand. Just let it out, and everything will be alright." The two friends cries in silence as they both calm down in the warm presence of each other. "I'll teach that guy a lesson don't worry. Okay?" Sophie nods whe hiding her face on Samantha's shoulder.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Can I please talk Jaden Axel Acosta?"
"Excuse me, who are you?" the receptionist asked.
She took a deep breathe and smiled to hide her fristration. "Just tell that bastard to get down here before I go up and drag him down."
The receptionist was shocked with the vulgar word she used, causing her to panick. "I-I'm sorry, I think he's b-busy right now." the receptionist stuttered.
She sighs in irritation and rolls her eyes. "Call him up and tell him that Samantha Claire Vicente is here to see him." she flashed a fake smile. "Tell him I missed him."

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