Chapter Seven

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"The TRUTH is always hidden in a LIE"

"I heard him talking to Sophie."

"That's right. She's basically working for him." Samantha answered.

"Why'd you let her work there? Samantha, you know what that bastard did to her! And you know well enough that when it comes to him Sophie becomes soft and will just revive that 'love' she has for him!" he lets out his frustration by grabbing his hair and burying his face on his palm.

"You think I don't care? I'm as concerned as you are, but my concerns never had ulterior motive. You just want to drag Sophie away from Jaden because you love her. Friendly advice, bury that unrequited love that you have for Sophie. Otherwise, you'll end up like Sophie who's head over heels for Jaden." Samantha grabs her bag and stood up from the bar stool and downed her glass of beer. "You're a smart guy, use your head wisely. Do not let your heart manipulate you too much."

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"Uhm- -Miss Samantha, right?" Samantha looked at the woman who is holding the phone against her ear.
"Yes." She responded.
"May I ask what your relationship is with Axel?" the woman asked with caution, afraid that Samantha may be a scandalous girl coming after their biggest star.
Samantha bites her lower lip to keep her patience. "Cousin." The woman spoke back on the phone. After dropping the call, she faced Samantha and told her that she can proceed on the 5th floor where Axel is currently busy staying at.

"And I really had to go to him." Samantha murmured to herself and rolled her eyes. She flashed a smile over the receptionist and proceeded to walk to the elevator.

As the door of the elevator was opening, eyes from a middle aged man met with Samantha's eyes. They stared at each other for a while before the man cleared his throat and made his exit from the elevator. The man passed beside Samantha as he was called by someone. "Max!" Samantha turned her head to look at the man's direction.

A memory reminisced in her mind. She felt strange that the man was somehow familiar to her. She was only snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the elevator sound and the door was closing. She quickly dashed inside the elevator.

As soon as Samantha stepped out of the elevator she immediately saw her cousin walking along the corridors while talking on his phone. Samantha walked fast towards Jaden until she bumped into her and Jaden dropped his phone. "Hey, watch where you're goi- -" Samantha raised her brow as Jaden looked at her in shock. "S-Samantha?" he smiled in utmost happiness and was about to jump on Samantha for a hug,  but Samantha welcomed him with sa smack on his face.  He backed a few steps away from Samantha "Ah- -!" Jaden exclaimed in pain. "What was that for?"

"For giving my friend a hard time." Samantha's face became serious, her voice stern and firm.


Samantha smirked. "Don't act clueless. You may be my cousin, but I will always stay on Sophie's side."

"S-Sam .."

"Besides, ever since you secured yourself with a luxurious life, you forgot about us." Samantha's tone was covered with bitterness and disgust. "If I see Sophie crying once again because of you, I will not hesitate to expose to your fans how their Idol is a coward, ignorant and selfish teenager who cared for nothing but his career and his future alone"

Jaden's brows arched, "What?! What are you talking about- -WHEN DID I DO THAT?" Jaden asked in a shout slowly getting enraged by being accused of the things he thought to himself he never did.

Attention of people nearby were called as they heard Jaden's shout. A few quickly left their post to witness what was going on.

"Now you're acting innocent?!" Samantha hissed in irritation and raised her right arm to slap Jaden one mote time, but a hand stopped her. "What the- -Let go of me!" Samantha squirmed against the grip of the hand holding her.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" the voice came from the man who held her hand. She looked at man's face and to her surprise it was the same man he came across to in the elevator. That familiar man.

The man finally lets her hand go with force. "I'm sorry .. She's my cousin. We just got in to an argument."
The man's gaze traveled across from Jaden to Samantha, "If you two have some more quarelling to do, better do it outside this building. Do not cause a scene here, Jaden."

"Yes, Sir." The man eyed Samantha one last time before turning away along with the other staffs that was watching them, returning to their respective posts.

"Samantha, I'll walk you out. If you still need to talk we can meet later tonight." Jaden offered trying to keep his calm.

"Don't worry. I have no interest of talking to you no more. I just came here to warn you not to mess with Sophie anymore." Samantha rolled her eyes as she turns her back from Jaden and take her leave from the entertainment company's building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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