Chapter One

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"Sophie Alexis! Are you not going to wake up?!" Sophie slightly opened one eye and there stood beside her bed, an enraged Samantha holding her phone up. "You set an alarm for an hour continuously, and I've been calling you for how many times and you still won't wake up!" Samantha threw the phone on top of Sophie's head.
"Ouch." Sophie angrily sat up on her bed. "Why are you bugging me so early in the morning?" She looked around, still trying to adjust her eye sight with the morning light.
"Why am I bugging you so early in the morning?" Samantha fished her phone out from her pocket and placed it up right in front of Sophie's face. "It's 8:30, you knuckle head."

Sophie scratched my head and looked at her best friend irritated. "Samantha, what's with all the fuss?"
Samantha heaved out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a job to be attending to?"
"Job." Sophie stared at her for a one long minute before a slow realization came running into her mind. "It's 8:30." Her eyes widened as she checked out the time on her phone again. "It's 8:30! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" Sophie jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash up.

While Sophie was scurrying inside the bathroom, Samantha knocked on the door. "Do you want a ride?" she offered.
"Yes, Please!" Sophie shouted from inside.
She shook her head. "How is she ever going to get a stable job?" Samantha left to go to her car and wait for Sophie there.

As soon as Sophie was finished taking a bath, she went through her clothes, picking up the first kind of dress she can grab hold to. Once finished dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. A pair of black jeans, white crop top, cardigan sweater and a beanie. She grabbed her bag and ran out to meet Samantha already inside her car.

"I sometimes feel like I am your babysitter. I've done nothing but watch everything you do and make sure you do not mess up." Samantha rants as she starts the engine while Sophie settles herself up on the passenger seat beside her.
"That's the reason why you are my best friend." Sophie starts to apply light make-up just to look a little presentable. "Won't you be late for your work?" she asked a little concerned.
Samantha steps on the gas. "I already am late." She faces Sophie and smiled. "This is how much I love you, you bitch."
"You have no other choice." Sophie snaps back

Sophie was fidgeting with her fingers the whole ride. The realization of actually working is slowly creeping up to her and knowing that her Ex-Boyfriend was also in that same building where she will be working is not helping to calm her down. Samantha immediately noticed the action, so she placed her right hand over Sophie's shoulder and gave her a light squeeze.
"You're going to be fine, Sophie. Calm down." She comforts with a soothing voice.
"What if I mess up?" Sophie asked, lips slightly trembling.
"How will you ever mess this up?" Samantha fixed her eyes as she finally saw the building where Sophie will be working "This is your forte. You won't mess this up." She pulled over right in front of the entrance. They both looked at the doors of the establishment.

"I am seriously nervous, Samantha." Sophie admitted.
"That's normal. Now go on! You're so late! Good luck!" Samantha removed her seat belt and helped Sophie get off the car. "Sophie!" she called out before Sophie was able to close the door.
"Just in case you see him, walk past him, yeah?" Sophie looks at her for a few seconds before slowly nodding and closing the door.

She starts to run her engine as she too, was late for her work. She looked at her side mirror to see Sophie mindlessly standing up in front of the glass doors of the building. "I'm worried." She uttered to herself before going on full speed.

Sophie slowly steps inside the building. She looks as if it was her first time entering a huge establishment, when she was just trying to ingest that she is actually there in that place for a job. She walks up to the desk close to the entrance and a fair lady immediately addressed her. "How may I help you?" She asked with a genuine smile.
"Uhm, I got accepted for a job here a few days ago. Today is my first day." Sophie slowly stated, still unsure if she was saying the right thing.
"Your name, please." The lady asked as she types on the desktop in front of her.
"Sophie Alexis Mendoza." Sophie started to bite her lower lip.
The lady smiled as she hands an ID to Sophie. "Welcome to Ridge Star Ent., Ms. Mendoza. Please proceed to the recording studio located on the fifth floor; your mentor will be waiting for you. The elevator is that way. Have a good day."
"Uh, thanks. You too." Sophie followed the direction the lady gave her.

Once she got on the fifth floor, she looked around before making big steps to find the recording room. All the rooms on the floor are separated by glass walls making everything look expensive. There was only one door at the end of the hall that wasn't covered with glass walls. As she got closer, she heard music beaming out from the unclosed door.

As the feeling of the music calling her, she was about to go inside that room but she heard voices talking from inside, making her stop on her tracks. The voices became louder signaling that the source of it is getting closer to her. Everything was followed by the door opening wide and revealing a face she last saw four years ago. She slowly took small steps back and Samantha's voice started to ring inside her head.

"Just in case you see him, walk past him, yeah?"

She ought to follow Samantha's reminder, but her instinct is shouting a different action. It shouts for her to run and never come back. Completely turning her back, she runs away. She thought it would make things better. She thought she'll be able to escape, but unfortunately she tripped on her own foot and crashed down on the floor, her knee hitting the tiled floor hard.

Sophie bit her lower lip to stop herself from whimpering in pain. She felt stupid when she felt beads of tears attempting to run down her cheeks.

She was just going to allow herself to break down in that position for a moment, but she felt someone touch her shoulder and started to help her up. "Are you okay?" Rubbing her eyes, she was supposed to answer yes, but she froze when she recognized that voice. "You should be more careful." Sophie lifted her head and tried to take a look at the guy who helped her.

The man, seemed to have seen a ghost upon seeing Sophie's face.

"Jaden! Com'ere! Listen to this!"

"C-Coming!" He looked at me, a little confused, but he was able to force a smile out. With that he left, just like how he did.

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