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The screams of the children echoed down the normally quiet street. It sounded as if they were riding the most daunting roller coaster, or being chased by a rabid dog. The cool, night air also featured the sound of fallen leaves as they scraped against the asphalt road, marching forward like an army, one wind gust at a time.

Cody plodded down the sidewalk, struggling to keep up with his cousin, Josh, as Josh sprinted past the ninety-five year old home. It was hard enough to keep up with the speedier Josh, and holding a pillow case full of Halloween candy made it more difficult. "Josh, wait up! Why are all the kids running past this house?"

"Come on Cody! I'll tell you in a minute."
"But it has lights on the pathway, and a cool Jack O' Lantern by the door. We could be missing out on great candy!"
"Come on Cody! We need to get past this house...quickly!"

The two stopped running as they arrived at the corner of the street, three houses away from the house no one wanted to stop at. Eight other children were stopped there as well, some with their hands on their knees as they labored to catch their breath. Cody wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, soon after regretting not taking off his furry werewolf gloves prior to wiping the sweat. "Okay, Josh, what's up with that house?"

A girl dressed like Wonder-Woman raised up from catching her breath, glaring at Cody with squinting eyes. "You don't know?" asked the small sized superhero. A nine year old pirate boy shook his head. "I can't believe you don't know."
Cody held his hands out to his sides with palms up, as he asked, "What don't I know?" The pirate yelled, "You don't know about that house!"

Cody shook his head. "Nope, I don't. I'm not from around here, I'm just visiting my cousin," he said as he pointed to Josh. Wonder-Woman walked up to Josh, her nose within inches of his zombie nose." It's a crime you didn't share the story with your cousin before going out tonight!"

The other six children walked quickly to the next block. As they walked, a boys voice could be heard above the noise of the wind blown leaves dancing down the street. "That dude, doesn't know. Who doesn't know?" A girl dressed as a princess replied, "Didn't you hear him, Noah? He said he's not from around here."
"Sorry, I didn't hear that part?"
"That's cuz boys are dumb."
"You're dumb!"
The group of six laughed before continuing on their quest for candy.

Back on the corner, Josh put his hand on Cody's shoulder. "Look Cody, I didn't tell you about that house...what happened in this neighborhood, because I wanted you to come out for Halloween this year." Cody grinned. "Well, I wanted to see you too, but next time

give a guy a head's up if there's something weird." The pirate removed his eye patch. "You mean something important. Something regarding safety!" Wonder-Woman stepped closer to Cody. "Look, legend has it that in that house in 1926..." The pirate scratched his head."I thought it was 1927?" Wonder-Woman glared at him. "Whatever!"
She continued, "About ninety-two years ago, this neighborhood was new, fresh with new homes, families being started, and life was simple." She pointed to a large Sycamore tree next to the driveway of the house the kids ran past. "Back then that tree was probably one-third the size it is today." The pirate nodded. "Hey, that's really interesting, little sis, but get on with the story already!"
"I'm giving shut up!She continued, "The dad that lived in that house was apparently a good man, except he made a mistake." The pirate nodded. "Yup, a fatal mistake."
Wonder-Woman replied, "Hey, am I telling the story or you?"
"Well, get on with it!"
"I will if you shut your face for a second!"
"You shut your face!"
"You're stupid, Jacob!"
"You're stupid, Emily!"

Cody glanced at Josh with a grin. "Oh yeah, they're brother and sister alright." Josh looked at Jacob, then Emily. "Hey, one of you finish the story, or I'm gonna, and I may get it wrong. Emily, you seem to know it well. Please continue. Emily stuck her tongue out at Jacob, who rolled his eyes. She continued, "So, the dad was a good man, except he had a disease...alcoholism. Apparently he was getting better, but back then there were no real intervention programs to help. On Halloween night, the dad was driving home in his old Ford...well I guess it was newer back then. Emily pointed at the house the kids just ran past. "The mom was home, in that house, finishing homemade costumes for the children. The dad had a bit too much too drink after a bad day with his boss, who gave him a pay cut. Legend has it the dad mis-judged the driveway, and hit the Sycamore tree. Although is was a young tree, Sycamores are strong, and it survived the crash. The trouble was, the dad and his two kids who rode in the back seat didn't. There were no seat belts back then."

Cody scratched his head with his werewolf claws. "So, what's so bad about the house?" Jacob replied, "Well, rumor has it the mother was so distraught over losing her family in an instant, she had to be institutionalized after several failed suicide attempts. She eventually died a sad old woman. The kids however, felt they were taken too soon, and never left the house they knew and loved in life. There have been reports of them materializing each Halloween, with a hatred of the fact their life ended abruptly, while other kids get to enjoy childhood, enjoy trick of treating, and life. Neighborhood kids have said that if you go up to the house trick or treating, the ghosts of the kids chase you, shove you to the ground, and throw rocks at you. There is evil in that house, and no kid in this town will ever trick or treat there again. The police have interviewed all of the owners of that house since, but no one has ever sensed anything paranormal in the home."

Cody shook his head, "Well, kids like to exaggerate, and I'm wondering if the stories are generated for drama, you know how kids are, they'll say anything to gain an ounce of popularity." Emily replied, "Perhaps, but no one will ever know as nobody has had the nerve to walk up and knock on the door." Josh nodded. "Yeah, once a powerful rumor is started, it's hard to get out from that reputation, especially a rumor that evil spirits live in a particular house."

Cody turned to his cousin. "Look Josh, if I'm going to come back each year to trick or treat with you, I'm not going to be afraid to knock on doors. Let's squash that rumor once and for all."
"And if it's true?"

"Well, we'll run, and hope the rocks don't strike us in the head."
Josh looked at Emily and Jacob. "Well, is a pirate and Wonder-Woman brave enough to come with us?" Emily grinned, "I'm a superhero, what do you think?" Jacob nodded. "Let's do this!"

Cody turned quickly and looked behind him as the screeching of leaves blew down the road startling him. "Man, I wish the wind would settle down." The four turned around and slowly walked up the sidewalk. Cody, Josh, Emily and Jacob slowly approached the house. They paused for a moment in front of it. Josh took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Well, the moment of truth, guys." The group slowly walked up the lit pathway. The Jack O' Lantern on the porch displayed a smiling, toothy grin. Cody said, "That pumpkin is carved funny." He smiled. Emily stood in front of the group and knocked three times on the old wooden door.

The door creaked as it opened slowly. The group was greeted by a man in his forties, wearing an orange T-shirt that read, "This IS my costume." His wife came up behind him. Hi kids, nice costumes. Josh looked at his cousin and new friends, then back to the man and his wife. Together the group said, "Trick or Treat." The wife smiled. "Nice costumes kids! I love Wonder Woman!" The man grinned. "And I love werewolves and pirates. Pease, let us give you most of our candy, no one seems to stop by. You're our first customers since we moved here two years ago, and who knows if the previous owners ever got kids to come by on Halloween. I know something happened here like a million years ago, but we got a great deal on this old place." The wife grabbed a black, plastic witches cauldron full of miniature chocolate bars. She gave many handfuls of the candy to each of the kids. "So, here ya go kids, take more." She gave out almost all of their candy. The man laughed for a moment. "Yeah, we need to save some for us to eat after Halloween. Thanks for coming by, and share the word, we're friendly and open for business." The kids turned and said, "Thank you."

As kids left, the woman put her hands alongside her mouth to amplify her voice. "Please tell the other children in the neighborhood that we're nice, and there is nothing to be afraid of next Halloween!" Josh brushed his wavy hair from his eyes. "We will. Thanks again!" Once on the sidewalk, Cody put his hand on top of cousin Josh's shoulder. "They were totally nice. There are no evil ghosts at that house. In fact, that man was kinda funny, with his shirt and all."

Emily and Jacob walked down the street to one more house with Josh and Cody, adding to their nights take on candy. Emily said, "Well, its been fun, and nice meeting you guys. We're gonna head home. At least you know there are no evil ghosts in that house." Jacob nodded. "And they gave out great candy!" The four laughed and Emily and Jacob turned to walk in the opposite direction. Josh yelled to them, "Hope to see you guys around the neighborhood." Jacob turned and gave a thumbs up before continuing down the street.

Emily and Jacob turned up the pathway of the formerly rumored scary house. Jacob glanced at Emily. "I hope those people didn't finish eating all the chocolate yet." The brother and sister paused at the front door. Emily shook her head. "See how rumor's are?" Jacob nodded. "Yup...we're not evil at all."

Emily smirked. "You are kinda stupid though."
"You're stupid."
"You're stupid."
They smiled as they hugged, and faded to a mist as they passed through the closed door.

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