1 year!

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So yeah. Hello? It has been one year since I have published The Last Vough!

To be honest I am really disappointed on how this story has been going, I mean, I finished Akuma's University just a year while TLV only has less than 10 chapters and it has already been a year.

I don't know if it's because this school year is much more stressful and more busy since I'm graduating, maybe it's because I lack inspiration or maybe because I am just lazy af.

Writing without inspiration doesn't feel good or fun to do. Maybe that's why i take too long in writting chapters for TLV and TAD

I don't have the same inspiration that i used to have when I was writing Akuma's University, back then I used to update once a week or once every 2 weeks. I really wish that i still have the same inspiration back then. It was just so easy for me to write chapters, just sit down, type and finish it in a day or two but now I take more than 2 months to finish a single chapter.

So hopefully, I can have inspiration like how I used to have back then.

Oh. And Merry Christmas!

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