chapter 1: training begins

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"Ok I will be teaching you the tree walking exercise to help you out with your chakra control." Said kakashi as he demonstrated the technique channeling chakra to his feet and sticking to the tree. Sakura being as she has perfect control of her chakra to begin with shouted from the tree she was in and said"hey Sensei,i did it.can i head back to the bridge now!?"asked Sakura and kakashi said"sure thing Sakura,you can leave"Sasuke was the next person to complete the tree walking exercise as well even though it took him 3 attempts and Naruto still couldn't get it to work. He then decided to ask Sakura for advice on how to do it but she just pushed him aside and said"NO WAY.why would I waste my time helping an idiot like you when you can't even control your chakra to begin with.figure it out yourself"Sasuke then decided to add insult to injury and said"that's right why should you when he's nothing more than a stupid,clanless, orphan loser with no parents,no family,and no real friends to begin with!?" 'Poor Naruto,if they only knew'.was kakashi's only thought before he noticed that Naruto had his head down with his hair covering his eyes if you looked closely enough you could see Naruto had tears running down the side of his face.kakashi went up to Naruto and said"Naruto, don't listen to them they don't know what their talking about."whatever kakashi was going to say after that was shot out the window as the next thing he knew Naruto had run off into the forest without a single word crying.what followed after shocked all 3 of them as a giant tree the size of the hokage mountain came into view and in the canopy of the tree tops was a wooden they approached the tree giant spikes and pillars of wood burst from the tree and ground Sakura then asked"kakashi Sensei, what's that?,and where is Naruto??"asked Sakura as if concerned about her teammates well being. Kakashi sighed and said "that Sakura is a tree dome as for your second question, Naruto made it and is obviously inside.those spikes that almost killed us were also made by Naruto. you and Sasuke really hurt his feelings pretty bad. 'I didn't even know Naruto had the mokuton of the first hokage.' was kakashi's last thought before being hit by crystal needles. Naruto the shouted at them and said" GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! I HATE BOTH OF YOU." kakashi said "Naruto please, tell me what's and I can help you." WHY? SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ME AND SASUKE ONLY CARES ABOUT GETTING HIS SHARINGAN TO KILL HIS BROTHER!!!!!"said Naruto as Sakura approached the tree dome and said please Naruto I'm sorry, give me a second chance." Naruto then said" NO!!! GO AWAY, BACK TO YOUR PRECIOUS SASUKE.I WANT TO BE ALONE NO ONE LOVES ME IN KONOHA.!!!"those last six words were all Sakura needed to hear as she looked up at her Sensei and said "kakashi Sensei I have a plan but we need Hinata here to do it." Kakashi then said "I'm all ears Sakura." Sakura then explained how all throughout their academy days Hinata had a crush on Naruto but Naruto Never noticed.she then said" if anyone can help calm down Naruto I'm positive that it is her."

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