Chapter 4

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Eduardo P.O.V.

"I don't believe a single word you're saying," I said with a final tone in my voice as I was sitting on my desk, paperwork and documents neatly stacked at one side as I read another batch of it, while Andrew had decided to take residence on the room's couch.

He looked at me with that smile he never gets tired of making as he watched me frown at him. "Think whatever thought you want Eduardo. You know I never lie and my hearing is as sharp as a dog. She had even said it clearly in front of my face. It was an "unpredictable fight that has left her unspoken," Those were the exact words she had said to me."

I never believed in anything coming out of Andrew's mouth when it came to things such as this. He had purposely made it clear to me the day the Pirate Queen had attacked the kingdom that he had heard numerous rumors about her and he respected her for her actions. A lieutenant respecting a criminal for her utmost evil deeds were things I have no idea of what to discuss over. And now that he was looking at me with a glint in his eyes, showing that he had finally spoken to her without my knowing, proves everything that he had dismissed his duties as the lieutenant and wandered off to speak to her, a worldly infamous criminal and the worst enemy to ever face the kingdom of Vefriece. I'll think of a more suitable punishment for him later.

As Andrew was recalling the conversation he had had with the Pirate Queen, judging by the dazed staring at the distance and a small smile appearing on his face, I was now ridden with my own thoughts troubling me that he had just filled.

I knew I need not pay any attention to the prisoner while she's here, except for her health and well-being, and I had originally planned on ignoring the Pirate Queen during this voyage, but after what Andrew had said along with a distant memory from a distant past, I found ignoring her was difficult.

For days, the duel between me and the Pirate Queen was plaguing my mind. I knew she wasn't serious about our duel that time and I knew that she had rattled me on purpose for me to make a bad show of my prowess. I knew I could have fought her better and focused that time, but it was my own idiocy that had made me blind and I had let my anger take control over me.

I had regretted that duel and my actions. I had learned my lesson at that time and I vowed to never make the same mistake again when it had led to the danger of the royal family. And now, with Princess Lillian in danger, I know any sort of mistake is unacceptable.

With that vow in mind, I had managed to push personal and useless things away, but now that Andrew had reminded me of my personal hatred for the Pirate Queen, it seems I have failed yet again.

If my memory was accurate and if Andrew was telling the truth, she said that it was an unpredictable fight that had made her speechless. Various thoughts wondered in my mind as I think of many possibilities that may have led her to say that about our duel. If what she had said was supposed to be a praising comment or an irritating remark, I don't know. But what I do know for certain is that I had to push her words to the back of my mind and concentrate on my paperwork for the time being.

"She had also said that she's never heard of you until the last minute before she had attacked Vefriece." At that, I had to look up from my paperwork and stare at Andrew confusedly. "She's never heard of anything really since she said she hates rumors. She says it's not to be trusted but there were advantages to rumors. She even said rumors about her were sometimes true but they tend to get stretched from the truth. But the rumors were right; she is a calm woman who is in every aspect dangerous and unpredictable with an attitude to perfectly match with it. If memory serves me right, you also said a thing similar to what she said." Andrew was now smirking at me and I only eyed him.

"...Are you comparing me to an infamous outlaw?" I said with my voice hard and deep. "And why do you even believe such words from her? Rumors aren't supposed to be listened to for a reason."

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