Chapter 8

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Louis P.O.V.

My back hurts like no tomorrow. I knew sleeping on the ground yesterday night wasn't good but there wasn't anything I could sleep on.

With my back cracking and me grunting in pain, I sat up from my sleeping corner to see Jacob lying against the same wall he hasn't moved from. And by the looks of it, he's sleeping.

Outside the cell, I heard the echoed conversation of guards. I perked up and went to the bars to hear what they were saying better.

"It seems the general and lieutenant is going to come here to interrogate some of the Pirate Queen's crew."

"It can't be helped. Interrogating them was bound to happen sooner or later."

"That's correct. With the princess's disappearance, everything's been in chaos. The king's ego has risen outstandingly. The queen wouldn't step out from her chambers. The lieutenant isn't his usual self. And the general is stricter than usual, but that's the general for you."

"You guards stop your babbling and prepare the prisoners."

"Yes sir!"

I heard one of the cell doors open and from down the hall, one of the crewmembers was being taken to a room at the opposite side of the hall where he had come from. The crewmember was fighting with all he had to escape the guards but it was useless when his hands were shackled, but I must admire his determination.

I felt giddy. Finally, something I would notify Jacob about.

Jacob was always in charge of acquiring information. He has always done that and knows many things without anyone knowing first.

Holding such important information that Jacob doesn't know anything about made me feel giddy that I hold classified information.

I was about to wake Jacob up to taunt him with the information he knows nothing about when I saw him sitting up looking at the iron bars of the cell door.

My giddiness immediately plummeted when I knew he already knew. There goes my chance to prove myself that I can be as great as Jacob.

"Now that you're awake," I addressed to Jacob as he looked at me. "What are your plans now?"

Jacob remained silent as he began thinking. I left him alone for now and went back to my corner. A long time passed and several of our crew members were returned back to their cells and brought to wherever that hallway leads. Still, Jacob was thinking. My patience was running dry.

I didn't beg Jacob to follow the ship for nothing. Do you even know how much my pride was damaged at that time?!

And this is what I get from my begging? Being locked up in this cell?! I've been held in prison's greater than this dump.

But...was it worth it? Risking mine and Jacob's and the crew's freedom just to try to rescue the captain? I kept on repeating that question when we were following that ship at sea, but when I saw the captain, even for just a moment, I feel at peace with it and I have the answer to that irritating question.

I don't want to admit it, but it seems I'm still following the captain around like a dog. I can't believe I'm comparing myself to a dog.

I've had enough of this.

"Stupid bastards, all of them," I muttered under my breath. "How long will it take them to understand that we have done nothing wrong? Death sentence and eternal imprisonment my butt."

"It can't be helped." Jacob finally stood up from his spot and dusted the accumulated dust off of his coat. "You cannot change another's view. Even if you force them to do so, you'll get nothing out of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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