Chapter 7

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Eduardo P.O.V.

It was the day after the arrival of the Pirate Queen and me, Andrew, and several other guards are currently standing on the kingdom's harbor, and directly across us is the pirate's vessel.

We were given orders just earlier in the morning by the king to search the Pirate Queen's ship to search for evidence. I would have entered the ship at once to search but I was held back by several of the guards and Andrew included, all scared senseless.

Of course, I knew the reason why they were scared. They've been hearing about the rumors of the Pirate Queen's ship, Ethereal, being haunted by the people they've killed. It's a ridiculous rumor used to frighten the people and I don't believe even a speck of it, but apparently, they believed in it. This is the reason why I don't believe in rumors in the first place, it's nothing but lies.

If my memory serves me right, the rumor was something about whoever trespasses the Pirate Queen's ship would be haunted by its deceased inhabitants. What a load of dirt.

I just want this investigation to be done with. But that would take longer than I thought as Andrew is still tugging on my sleeves, jittery from just looking at the ship.

To hell with this. I shrugged Andrew off of me and entered the ship, leaving all of them at the docks. The faster I'm done with this and find whether or not the Pirate Queen has something to do with Lillian the quicker I can be done with this ridiculous fiasco.

Taking my first few steps in the ship, it is quite clean but that doesn't change the fact that it's rickety, some of the woods are soiled, and it's been standing for a long time.

I carefully walked the upper deck, checking the ship's mast and walking through the quarter deck to inspect everything. When I was finish inspecting the outer parts of the pirate ship, I made my way inside to continue the inspection. Seeing as the men will unlikely board this ship, I must do my inspection carefully.

I went through several rooms including the cargo hold, the sailor's sleeping quarters, the navigator's sleeping quarters, and the cannon room filled with cannon's, cannonballs, and many ammunition. I even went to what seems to be a small room they made as a sort of infirmary room full of bandages and medicines.

All that's left now for me to look at is the captain's room, the Pirate Queen's room.

I now stand in front of the door leading to the Pirate Queen's room. I went to open it only to find out that it was locked.

I looked through the keyhole to see what it was like inside and the only thing I could make out was a large table with many scrolls on top of it and a barrel which holds more scrolls. That was the only thing I could see through the hole.

I started to look around that may help me to open the door. I found nothing, which leads me to one thing left to use. Brute force.

I was being careful in pushing the door while also laying enough force to open it. I have to admit, even though the ship was in a sort of poor image, it was incredibly sturdy.

My tolerance had enough of this door and I placed all of my strength on one push. It ended with the door being separated from its hinges and falling to the ground along with me.

I lay on the ground, grunting by the unexpected force of impact, for a moment above the wooden door before hurriedly standing up, away from the dirty floor, and dusting my uniform off from any sort of dirt that was sticking on my uniform.

I looked at the door which was broken off its hinges and now lying on the floor. My memory brought up the rumor again and I immediately dismissed it.

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