Family Issues

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It was around the holidays that both Stef and Lena would feel a sting in their hearts that was hard to control.  It really was for at one point in their lives it had been a source of fun, joy, cheer and liveliness when their kids were young and before they shared their life together. When the two women met they were both married to men but equally miserable. Stef Foster had three kids of her own Brandon, her biological son, and Callie and Jude whom she adopted with her husband Mike at the time. Lena Adams also adopted two children as well, Jesus and Mariana, with her husband Timothy Gutierrez.

As time moved on the two women grew closer, much closer then friends and each filed for divorce realizing what the real issue was. That being they were gay and very much in love with each other. How they would handle this they weren't sure and how they would tell their children who ranged in age from 12 to 5 they were not sure either. One thing was certain was they wanted to be together and try to blend their family the best way they could if possible. 

It was difficult to say the least and coming to terms with their mothers being gay was difficult as well. Brandon rebelled along with Callie wanting to live with their father for they didn't get along with Lena. Jesus and Mariana didn't get along with Stef and most of the time the home was a shouting match with little Jude being caught in the middle. They tried therapy, everything they could think of and the women were wondering if they should split. But they stuck it out the best they could despite how stressful the home was and would remain.

Feeling as if they had failed their kids terribly the two women were not sure what to do. But by the time Brandon and Callie were 15 they moved in with their father as did Mariana and Jesus who were 14. Jude was the only one who remained in the home with both Stef and Lena until he headed to college at New York University.

For thirteen years Stef and Lena tried to make it work with their kids, who were all now adults, but the bunch never got along ever and it was shocking that it never split the two women up. They remained in love, they remained loyal to each other and their kids the best way they knew how.  But the family they wished to always have never came to be. Ever. 

With all the kids out of college now they rarely if ever came home to visit, called or returned calls. Even when the two women finally did get married once it was legal in California only Jude showed. Of course that hurt them both terribly more then they could ever admit but it seemed to be the reality. The reality that no matter how hard they tried their children had in interest in a relationship with them. None.

 In their mind Stef and Lena really believed they had been good parents and had tried the best they could with all five kids. Yes all five seemed to have done well in college and were making their own lives but a big part of Stef and Lena felt they had failed. Failed tremendously and deep inside they felt nothing but guilt. What could they have done better? How could they get their kids to just call them or visit? They didn't know and even Lena's optimisation had grown less and less even when she continued to try to keep in contact as much as she could. But it was never reciprocated and Stef herself had given up all together. Did the two cry about it? Yes and many times they tried to talk to their kids only to come up with nothing. So for now they let it go.

Jumping into bed with a photo album Lena looked at all the years past of their kids. At times it was the only way she could see them unless she went on social media which she did at times. It was there she saw Jesus was engaged, Brandon had another girlfriend, Mariana had won numerous awards, and Callie had received a promotion.

"Hey love another long night?" She said seeing her wife walk into their bedroom at nearly 2 in the morning looking exhausted.

"Unfortunately yes." She said coming over to her and kissing Lena on the lips. "Had to deal with both CPS and Social Services."

"Oh baby I'm sorry. I know you hate those."

"More then anything." Taking her uniform off and locking away her gun the blonde quickly threw on her tank top and pants sliding into bed. "Breaks my heart what some of this kids go through and have to deal with at such young ages. I don't get it baby. If you don't want a kid don't have one. It's really not that hard."

"Yeah I know." Gently rubbing her wifes back she could see the stress in her body. "What made this one harder?"

"I had to sit with the kids in the station for three hours until the social worker came. One of the little girls she, I just felt so bad for her. It's never easy for them but this time of year it's just I don't know. The holidays are supposed to be a good thing you know something people celebrate but  she just sat there with her head down the entire three hours. Dirty and I don't know babe. Anyway how was your day?MM?"

"Um it was ok. Busy." Lena said closing the photo album and continuing to rub her wife's back. She knew not to push Stef in terms of certain things especially when it came to this topic. She knew it very well. "We started decorating the school for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's coming out nicely."

"Yeah? That's nice baby. You looking at old photos?"

"Yeah. Just took it out for a second. Sometimes I just want to remember you know. And I um saw on Facebook that Callie got promoted. They had some party for her."

"Yeah?" The blonde said leaning her back on the headboard and trying her hardest not to feel like shit for Callie was an extra sore spot for her. Tremendously. Lena of course knew that and she tried to tread lightly.

"Yeah. Seems she is doing well as a lawyer."

"That's nice. So my mom invited us over Thanksgiving if you want to go."

"It's fine. Do you think we should try to ask the kids again?"

"If you can find them. Jude, sure I mean he comes home every Christmas but the others I wouldn't get my hopes up. At all. Miss Thang, Mariana flies all over the country and who knows where she lives, Brandon is with some new chick every week according to Mike, Jesus is building treehouses god knows where. And Callie I don't know. I can't get upset over it anymore babe. We've tried for years and they don't want anything to do with us. You can try to contact them if you want but I hate to see you get hurt again."

Staring at her wife Lena knew it was true for every year she tried and every year she heard nothing back. Yes it was true they barely knew where these kids were half the time for they just weren't apart of their lives. They weren't and the reality of that was hard and painful for there was nothing in this world they loved more then being moms. 

Little did they know that this holiday would be very different for them for a little girl was making a Christmas wish to have parents just like them. A little girl that would soon find her way to them and change their lives and hearts forever.


Hi all! I will be working on this holiday story until the end of December. I hope you enjoy it. There will be tons of family fluff and holiday fluff as well. It will not all be sad! Promise! Enjoy! 

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