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As the two women managed to get Frankie into the warm house that they once tried to make a home with their five kids the little girl couldn't help but look around in awe as they entered the kitchen area which was nice and toasty.  Of course she knew the kitchen well but never stayed in it  long enough to get a good look at it and if she was honest she was eager to see the rest of the home.  To her it was already really nice, the nicest place she had ever, ever been in as she could also smell something pretty amazing. By this time she knew Lena was a good cook for she had been surviving on her good cooking for days and would love more of it if she could.

With one hand holding onto the barbie she refused to let go of the other hand held Lena's as Stef guided the two over to the stools. They weren't the most kid friendly for the women had gotten rid of the old table they used when the kids were younger now regretting it for it was evident Frankie wouldn't be able to climb up one by herself. She wasn't super tiny for her age but she wasn't tall.

"Would you like to sit baby?" The blonde asked as the little girl looked to her nodding her head. Both Stef and Lena were grateful that Frankie didn't appear to be really afraid she just did not want to go back into foster care which they understood. Unfortunately, that was something they couldn't prevent at all and it was  bad enough Stef had not reported that Frankie had been found. That alone could get her in big trouble the longer she waited but she planned to call Mike shortly. First they wanted to get this little girl comfortable as well as get her some food, and a much, much needed shower.

"Ok sweets. Let me help you up on this." Gently the affectionate blonde picked the sweet little girl up a bit and placed her on the stool safety. "That ok sweetheart?"

"Yes." Frankie said softly as both women smiled at her and she returned it. To her she wasn't sure if this was real or not but she would take it. She really would for she liked Stef and Lena so much.

"Well honey are you hungry? I do have some leftovers from last night I can heat up.  Or I can make something for you. Is there anything in particular you would like?" Lena asked as Frankie replied shyly.

"No. Anything is fine." 

"Ok sweetheart. Let me heat this up for all of us so we can eat. Stef you want some love?"

"Sure baby."

 Walking over to the fridge Lena took out the barbeque chicken she made the night before along with her healthy mac and cheese  and some green peas. Stef however took a seat beside Frankie and handed her a chocolate chip cookie unable to resist the urge  to spoil her already. It was just in her nature  as Frankie happily took it smiling herself at the cop.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome baby." The cop winked and Frankie could only grin wide at her. Of course she remembered Stef had been very nice at the police station only about two weeks ago even if she failed to talk or make eye contact with the cop that night. It wasn't personal she had just been tired, worn out and just wanted a place to sleep. But more then anything Frankie wanted a family just like this one as Lena started to chop a bit of salad and place the food in a dish for the oven.

"So we hope you like barbeque chicken. Does that sound ok?"


"Good and would you like something to drink. I think we have some juice or milk, or water. Which would you like honey?"

"Milk please."

"Sounds good." Lena said smiling at Frankie again who munched on her cookie besides Stef. Of course the blonde had a million questions that she needed to ask the little girl but they would need to ease into them. Slowly. Right now they just wanted to make sure she ate and felt comfortable. That was at the top of their list as the blonde took a bite of her own cookie soon addressing a few questions to the sweet girl.

"So my love is it a little warmer in here then in the garage? I mean it gets chilly in there."

"It does. But I was ok."

"Yeah I see that. You had that toasty sleeping bag and some warm clothes so I'm sure that helped."

"I can give you your shirt back."Frankie said rather innocently. "I didn't mean to steal it and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took your food too."

"No baby it's ok you were cold and hungry.  I know you needed the food and my sweatshirt and I'm glad you had it. So why don't you hold onto it for me. MM sweets? And Lena could wash it for you."

"And then I can have it back really?"

"You most certainly can."

"Ok." With a wider smiling growing on her face it broke Stef's heart including Lena's who already adored the exchange between the two. This was going to be difficult and she knew her wife did not want to make that phone call even if the two women spoke briefly and decided they would try to foster little Frankie as fast as possible.  Being they had their license it was possible but the issue was how fast the process would go for they wanted to avoid having Frankie go to another home before coming back to theirs.  She had already been through enough during the last few weeks and probably her entire life.

As the three sat around the table enjoying dinner Frankie had eaten more then both Stef and Lena combined. Her table manners weren't terrible nor were they that great. Being the patient person she was Lena showed her how to use her napkin to wipe her face and hands. Politely Frankie followed her example already as her seat seemed to be moving closer and closer to the blondes for she really liked both of the women so much already. They were infact just as nice as she imagined but Frankie couldn't help but feel terrified that they were going to send her back. That was the last thing she wanted as Lena put more vegetables on her plate that she noticed the little girl wasn't really eating.

"MM someone doesn't like vegetables huh?" Stef asked amused as Frankie grinned at her and Lena shook her head also in amusement.

"Nope." Stuffing her face with more cornbread Frankie giggled as did both women.

"Well honey if you eat them all I have some more cookies and muffins. A deal." Lena said hoping to persuade her even if Frankie looked rather skeptical but not arguing for she knew she loved Lena's muffins and cookies.

"Ok." Happily she stuffed the green beans in her mouth as the cop could only bust out laughing for she remembered their kids doing the same.

"Somehow stuffing it in all at once is always the solution."

"Ha don't I know it." Lena teased placing another cookie on Frankie's plate as they spent the rest of the dinnertime laughing and joking with the little girl who seemed to be so full of light and joy. Whatever shyness she had been feeling in the garage had all gone out the window for the most part as she munched on another cookie along with another glass of milk with the cop. However as the time continued to tick away and while Lena was giving Frankie a bubble bath along with some new clean clothes Stef had to call her captain no matter how much she didn't want to.


You think they will be able to foster her or will Frankie have to go?

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