New School

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"This is a school?" Frankie asked jumping out of the SUV as she held onto the blondes hand as well as Lena's. Sure the school was nice and nothing like anything she had ever seen before but her stomach was in knots now and she could feel it burning. Burning big time and Frankie had been nervous all morning and night. Both Stef and Lena could barely get her to eat anything for breakfast but thankfully she had settled on some toast with peanut butter and half of Lena's protein shake smoothie.

"That it is babygirl. Nice huh?" Stef asked looking down and smiling at her as Frankie was nervous as could be. Helping her put her new backpack on both women exchanged glances as Frankie froze in her new Ugg boots feeling her throat start to hurt. Big time as the cop kneeled down in front of her letting out a reassuring smile and stroking her cheek. "It's ok my love.  Lena is here and she will show you her office and how to find her if you need anything. The kids are nice, you teacher is nice and I am sure you will be fine. I know it's been hard going to so many school princess but we promise you this is it ok? We are going to make sure you stay in this school. Ok sweetness?"

"Ok. I just wish my stomach didn't hurt so much."

"Aww I know it does.  But once you are here for a few hours maybe even less it won't hurt so much. And by the time the end of the week comes maybe even before then it won't hurt at it. Now if it still does you let us know and we will see what we can do to make it better for you. Ok love?"


"And honey I am right here too. " Lena said now kneeling down herself." I am very close to your classroom and if you need me it's ok.  You can let your teacher know. But I will check on you all day and introduce you to some of the kids in your class. Ok baby? I promise it will be a fun day for you. And remember today everyone decorates the halls for Christmas so that will be fun."

"Man that does sound like fun. Much more fun then what I need to do." The blonde joked as Frankie let out a chuckle. "Aww now there is that sweet smile that we love.  You ready to go inside babygirl? MM?"

"Yes. I'm ok. I can do it."

"We know you can." Winking at the young girl Stef grabbed her hand once again as her and Lena walked Frankie into Anchor Beach. Little did the little girl know it would be the last school she ever went to before college and even then she would still need her moms.


While Stef was diving into her day making arrest after arrest with Mike Lena had checked on Frankie half a dozen times thought the classroom window. She seemed fine and was cutting a Christmas tree and snowman along with another little girl which made the slim woman smile.  For now they put her in the 3rd grade but after she took the placement test she could very well be in the 2nd or 4th depending on her scores. She just needed to pass and hopefully she would. With Frankie noticing Lena at the window she smiled and waved at her as Lena returned it.  She was so happy the girl seemed ok and was hoping the week would get easier for her.

The one thing that still occupied Lena's mind was the text she got from her daughter last night which she of course responded to. Surprisingly Mariana was planning to come visit for Christmas which Lena did not expect by any means and she could feel as if something was rather off. Something she wasn't really sure about.


"Hi mama. I just um wanted to call and say hi. How are you?" Mariana said sounding rather chipper.

"I'm good. It's been awhile since we've talked. How are you?"

"Good. Good. Just super busy traveling. Can't complain. But um, I'm headed that way for Christmas and will stay with dad for a few days. Maybe we can um have lunch or something?" Of course Lena would give anything to see her daughter and spend time with her but the entire conversation seemed off and rather random. If they did have lunch she would have to bring up a few things regarding the past and that could get ugly.

"Sure that would be nice. You let me know when you arrive in San Diego. How is your brother?"

"Ok I guess. I don't talk much to him. But I need to go and I'll call you in a few weeks!

"Sure honey. Talk later. Bye."



If Lena was honest she wasn't really sure how she felt and neglected to tell Stef right away about the conversation with their daughter and that she planned on visiting San Diego. She knew Stef might be rather skeptical which she understood regardless of if she was their daughter or not. Planning to tell her wife at lunch or after Frankie went to bed what Lena didn't and wouldn't realize was Stef had news of her own.

Heading back to her office she could see the kids and teachers were preparing to decorate the holiday hallway boards and that the lunch bell would ring soon. If Lena was honest she couldn't wait for Stef was planning on stopping by with salads so they could eat together and the blonde wanted to get a peak Frankie. To her it was cute how much her wife cared and how much she already wanted to protect this little girl. Both of them did and would for her entire life. Taking a seat at her desk  the slim woman once again looked to the family pictures on her desk and at the one of her and Stef right after they got married. The woman still made her happy, she still loved her more then she could ever imagine and she still did not regret being with her. Not for one minute. Smiling at it and at the pictures of her kids she soon heard a faint knock at her door.

"Come in." She said as little Frankie opened the door slowly walking in. "Hi sweetheart everything ok? Did you ask Miss Franklin for a hall pass?"

"Yes I did. I just wanted to tell you that I'm having a good day and thank for letting me be in this school."

"Come here honey? Come here."

Walking closer to Lena with the hall pass in her hand the slim woman gently grabbed her hand smiling.

"You are so welcome baby because this is where you belong. You enjoy it. Ok?"

"Ok." Frankie could only smile wide as she hugged the woman and Lena hugged her back holding her so tight. How was it possible she loved this little girl so much already. How?

"Ok now get back to class lunch will be starting soon babycakes."

"Ok! Lena I...." The little girl began as Stef slowly walked in but once Frankie saw her her face lit up like a lightbulb. "Stef!! Stef!" She yelled happily running to the cop and wrapping her arms around the woman's waist.

"Aww hi sweetheart! Just the person I wanted to see. How is school mmm?"

"Good. I made a few friends and we are going to decorate the holiday boards outside. But lunch is soon so I need to go back to my classroom."

"Well that sounds amazing. Go on back and you enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you later. Ok babygirl?"

"Ok! Bye Stef." She grinned wide at the cop.

"Bye baby."

"Bye Len...I mean Principal Adams Foster."

"Goodbye sweetheart." Lena said smiling as she watched the little girl head back to her classroom and her eyes shifted to her wife who appeared just as happy. Truth was they both had gotten more attached to little Frankie as each day passed.

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