Like it ain't nothing

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I just got my hand on Bambam's soft hair, when the loud slam of a door made me flinch. My heart didn't get enough time to settle because I was looking at a furious Lisa. A furious Lisa in a loose shirt and shorts showing off her long slender legs.

I immediately looked back down on Bambam's bowed head. Shit! There was no part of Lisa I could look at without getting a heart attack. Her messy hair and seething expression was stuck in my head. Thank god, I'm sitting on a fucking chair! Or else my legs wouldn't be able to keep me up.

"Bam, where exactly does it hurt?"

I put my fingers over his sternocleidomastoid. My other hand was resting on his shoulder, so I felt it when his arms tensed.

"On second thought..."

Bambam straightened and I had to put my hands down.

"I think I'm fine now, Jennie-noona."

"Are you really though? Maybe you should let her check, Bam."

Lisa was already sitting next to Chaeyoung and my god her voice is so deep right now!

Bambam laughed easily.

"Nah. I'm sure I'm all good."

For some reason, there was tension in the air. I looked at Jisoo for help, but she just kept on eating her chicken, unbothered. In fact, she looked like she was enjoying a movie. Chaeyoung was just as confused as I was, maybe even more. She was looking back and forth between Lisa and Bambam with the most obvious frown on her face.

It took all my will power to look at Lisa's face directly. The intensity of the look she was giving Bambam, gave me chills. It was as if she wasn't looking at her childhood friend.

"Besides, I'm going out noona."

Bambam calmly stood up with a smile. His movements seemed rigid and limited though. He picked up his phone, which was flashing on the coffee table.

"Yugyeom and I are going to hang, so I might not come back tonight."

The change in Lisa's demeanor was lucid. She went from pure anger to confusion. From confusion to understanding and then finally alarm.

"You're leaving me alone?"

The rise in pitch obviously meant she was bothered. Like, hello? Jisoo, Chaeyoung and I are here! What the hell do you mean by alone?

Bambam shrugged.

"Not really. You have three amazing noonas with you, so... Anyways, have fun Lis! I'll stay out of trouble, so you should too!"


Bambam hopped over the couch and ran out the door before Lisa could even stand.

I lurched due to Lisa punching the couch. Jisoo looked at me wide eyed. I think we were both startled with Lisa's strength. Chaeyoung was between Lisa and me, and although it's common for people to be easily jostled in couches, this couch was denser and longer. Feeling a slight wave was normal, but almost getting pushed out of the couch is a bit...

"Lisa what's wrong?"

Chaeyoung moved closer to the blonde and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. More surprising than Chaeyoung's courage, was the quick easing of Lisa's mood. The blonde massaged her forehead and smiled.

"Nothing Chaeng, it's just... those two can't ever stay out of trouble."

Her voice was back to the light but mellow sound I associate her with.

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