I'm kind of intense

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Unlike the rain, I didn't expect her to be there.

Plans for the stakeout were already made. It was annoying that Nickhun was the only one who could meet me, anyone else in his organization couldn't stand me. Of course they can't. I literally project my hate for them.

I shouldn't. They don't exist to me, after all.

Each raindrop made ripples in the puddles on the road. Small rings condensely overlapping one another that it was almost impossible to tell them apart. The individual sound they make when they hit the ground is loud and fast, like the keyboard of a kid who wants to be the fastest typer in the world.

Rain is visual and auditory aesthetic for me. It isn't only pleasing, it also helps keep my senses from reaching out everywhere and overwhelming me.

It was a really nice distraction, from thoughts of slamming Nickhun's face on the pavement.

At least, until I felt someone watching me.

It was quick, not threatening, or even lewd, just intense enough a gaze to make the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

It was easy to find the source. I was caught off guard at the sight of her.

What is she doing here?

My entire body tensed up. I clenched my jaw. The careful balance I was trying to maintain around Nickhun was ruined. The urge to run took me.

She looks so small, so lost, so vulnerable. It won't take much effort to have her in my arms.

"We're done. Pick me up."

Hearing his voice disrupted my attention, long enough for me to realize Nickhun might catch the shift in my state and pinpoint the cause of it.

Not Jennie!

My eyes shifted to the man on his way to me. Nickhun took a step back.

"What's wrong Lisa?"

He asked, tucking his chin the slightest bit, but keeping eye contact.

I'll never get used to the feeling of almost losing it. It's such an annoying warm pressure around my head. Like someone putting a thick cap on my head, that I can't shake off.

I'm glad to say though, that I've made progress in anger management. Jisoo was a great help! And Bambam too, I guess. He made for a really good punching bag.

"Nothing. I just want you on your toes."

I told him. My emotions already settling to a state of indifference, but I kept some of my animosity directed at him. I still feel Jennie's eyes on me, with me keeping him occupied, Nickhun won't.

He turned away and raked his hair. That's good, be distressed. I'm not your buddy, not any more.

Once Nickhun was in a car and out of sight, I fixed my eyes on a dumbass brunette.

My breathing picked up.

I'm so close to forgetting about the other people around and just sprinting across the streets and pushing the woman inside the store.

She's clearly shivering! Why the hell is she out in the cold? I heard a distinct crunch in my hand. Thoughts, Lisa, mind your thoughts.

I'm seething. Plain and simple.

I might have kept my distance, but that doesn't mean I don't think of you Kim! You said you were busy with work and writing, but that you were taking care of yourself. Is standing outside with a storm, wet and cold, your definition of care? You don't even look mildly afraid or nervous that I caught you!

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