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Garnet opened her eyes, she was shivering and her pelt was filthy and matted. She lifted her head, she hadn't slept very well and her paws were raw. She was exhausted and still incredibly scared. Garnet sat up and tried washing her disgusting pelt but she couldn't stomach the taste. She would have to find a river or something to wash herself. Garnet stood up and climbed out of the tunnel, looking around.

The sky was a pale gray and the ground soaked from the rainstorm the night before. The air was frigid and she shivered as the wind ruffled her ginger fur. Garnet climbed to the top of the hill and glanced around. She could see her town in the distance but it was incredibly far away. She knew her way through the town but she didn't know how long it would take for her to reach it.

What if my housefolk think I'm dead? Or injured? Garnet tried to calm her fears, she needed not to think about that, she just needed to get home. Bracing the cold, Garnet started heading straight towards the twolegplace.

She walked through the wet field, getting more and more annoyed with each burr and dead leaf that got caught in her already tangled fur. She wished that she was back home in her warm house. She never wanted to leave her home again.

Garnet came to a stop as she heard the sound of pawsteps around her, she looked around, her fur standing on edge. She heard the pawsteps inching closing until two cats stepped out of the tall grass. A gray spotted tom and a jet black she-cat circled around Garnet "Look what we have here, Jade." Sneered the gray tom. "A lost kittypet."

"You're a long way from home, aren't you kittypet?" The black she-cat, Jade, hissed.

"I live in that town over there." Garnet flattened her ears, stepping away from the cats. They radiated danger, Garnet knew how to fight but she wasn't sure she could take on two rogues. "I don't want any trouble."

"Well you see, kittypet." The tom stepped closer to her, his claws unsheathed. "You're in our territory. You came asking for trouble the moment you stepped your little paws here."

"I didn't mean to come over here, I'm heading home now." Garnet had a feeling that these cats wouldn't listen to her. She feared for her safety, and she wasn't sure if she could outrun these two.

"I think we should send her home with some reminders." Jade chuckled. "So the other kittypets know to stay away."

Without warning, the tom jumped forward. Garnet didn't have any time to react as she was tackled to the ground. She let out a hiss and battered at his gray pelt. She felt her claws tearing at his fur. She bit down as hard as he could into his flesh, she tasted his blood and nearly gagged.

The tom picked her up by the shoulder and threw her across the field. Garnet rolled through the damp grass, rocks stabbing into her body. Jade ran at her and pinned her to the ground. Garnet spat in her face and raked her claws across Jade's belly. The she-cat hissed in pain and lashed at Garnet's face.

Garnet turned her head, narrowly avoiding Jade's claws. She pushed her hind paws and deep as she could into Jade's belly. The black she-cat let out a sharp gasp of breath and stood up on her hind legs, getting away from Garnet.

"Help me, Adder!" Jade hissed and the spotted tom rushed to her side. Garnet jumped to her paws and faced the two of them. "You asked for it, kittypet!" The two of them charged at Garnet, she dropped to the floor to avoid being tackled and spun around, hissing as she leapt forward. She landed on Adder's shoulders and raked her claws down his spine.

Adder bucked, kicking his hind legs into the air and causing Garnet to lose her balance. She fell off of his back and landed hard on her stomach, the air rushing out of her body. She took a second to breath, but she felt a weight on her back. Jade's claws sunk into her shoulders and she felt them ripping through her pelt.

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt