Chapter 1 - The orphan

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Lily Morgan was only twelve years old when her parents were murdered.

She did not know what her life was going to be like without them, so she wandered off on the streets ..

The stars were beginning to pop up in the evening sky. She gazed at them sadly as she wiped away a tear which ran down her cheek.

Overthinking was the only thing she felt like doing at the moment. Nothing felt real to her anymore. 

'I hate what happened but I cannot just ... ughh I don't even know what to do anymore'  She thought to herself.

After a while of hard thinking and crying, she decided to go live with her Aunt and Uncle.

Their house was only a few blocks away from where she stood on the street, but she had second thoughts about living with them .

There were often wicked to her. When her parents were still alive, they did not show as much hatred for her as of now.

But, she did not have any other choice. She then picked up her stuff and strolled to their home, but with trembling hands.

After some time, she arrived at the large, dull building.

She entered the yard and knocked on the door three times.

"Is anyone home?" Lily shouted, yet her voice was soft.

"Creeeek," Went the white door and there stood Lily's Aunt, looking fancier than ever.

She wore a white dress and a pair of white heels along with some white shimmering ear rings.

'That's a lot of white' She thought to herself as she stared at her Aunt.

Her clothes were not in any way fancy as her Aunt's. She wore a pink shirt along with a blue jumper and a pink sneakers.

"What a surprise seeing you here!" Her Aunt Persly exclaimed as she rolled her dark brown eyes.

"Ca-can I come in?" Lily asked in a trembling voice.

"Pfft .. Whatever kid.." Her Aunt just looked at her from head to toe and left the door wide open for her niece to enter.

Lily entered the large building. It was not that fancy as how she saw her Aunt.

The walls were painted in a dark blue and there were a few lights dangling from the concrete ceiling.

She then walked through the hallway and to the kitchen where she saw her Uncle.

"Oh Lily!" Laughed her Uncle Bert. "What brings you here?"

Lily sat down at the table with her Aunt and Uncle and told them about the murder of her parents.

"I was in my room one morning, when I suddenly felt the need for a snack. So I went down to the kitchen and got some Coco Puffs. I stayed in my room for a while but it seemed too quiet. I went into my parents room and ... "

"You found them dead in a puddle of blood? .. " Interrupted Bert who squinted his eyes at her.

"YES..." Lily cried silently to herself.

"Oh child, we know. It was on the news last week.." Said Persly who took a sip of her tea which she made while Lily was speaking. "That is sad," She eventually said after her long sip.

Lily continued to cry softly. After a few moments of this, she composed herself and spoke up.

"Umm .. Can I please stay with you two? Please? I have nowhere else to go.. I promise I'll behave..."

They both showed her thumbs up to signal that they agreed and gestured towards the staircase.

"Up there. There's an extra bedroom. I'm sure you will like it child .." Persly exclaimed with a grin.

'Oh I doubt I'll survive a day here' Lily thought to herself . 'Oh well. Nothings wrong in trying, I guess.'

She walked slowly with her stuff up the wooden stairs. As she glanced back she saw her Aunt and Uncle scoffing to themselves but she did not say anything.

Settling in was not so hard since the room was quite small. It had one bed, a chair and table and a tiny closet. It was a dull blue colour with only one broken window out of the four, but the breeze coming in through it was quite nice.

She only had a few clothes and shoes. Also her hair supplies.

Lily soon after went down to have dinner with her Aunt and Uncle. They had hot chocolate, eggs and some bread.

'This is quite tasty, I'm surprised' She thought to herself. 'Well, time to prepare for bed I guess.'

After taking a bath, she brushed her teeth and went to change into her pink pajamas.

As she was about to get into her little bed....

"Lilyyy!! Don't forget to wash up the dinner dishes, vacuum the hallway and mop the kitchen floorrr!!" Shouted Persly to her, in a rather harsh voice.

"Why am I not surprised?" Lily then sighed, tied her hair in a ponytail and went to do exactly what she was told.

While making her way down to the kitchen, she thought to herself .. 'Just because I never complain, doesn't mean I enjoy doing all the housework around here'

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment and began washing the dinner dishes.

*One Hour Later*

"Finally, I'm done .." Lily yawned as she slowly went into bed. "Tomorrow will hopefully be fine .."

And with that, she soon drifted to sleep.....

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