Chapter 4 - The Truth Revealed : Part 1

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"Wow." Said Lily. "Two long days have already gone and I still haven't found the dumb key to open that stupid lock!"

'I'm so curious I can't take it!'

Lily searched in every part of her Aunt and Uncle's house where she could think of.

The key was not in any of the places she looked. She wanted to give up so badly, sooo many times, but still yet, she didn't.

She continued with her search, but Persly and Bert began to get suspicious of her.

She noticed this, but didn't understand. However, she was careful.


'Hold up.. I haven't looked in my Aunt and Uncle's room. Perhaps I shall take a peek?' She thought.

"Nothing but old stuff.." Lily said. "I just can't help but satisfy my curiosity for finding this key!" Exclaimed Lily with a frown.

*Two Hours Later*

Lily searched all over the huge house without any success. She let out a heavy sigh.

While pacing about in her room, it finally hit her.

'Of course! Now I remember! I haven't searched the attic as yet! It's worth a shot!'

Lily immediately, cautiously and hastily climbed a ladder which led up into the attic.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

"This house is quite large, yes, but I've searched everywhere. Where else could it be? The attic is my last hope," Lily let out a huge sigh.

She then lay down on the floor. She did not care if it was dusty. A minute passed and she finally opened her eyes again.

Lily then noticed something. 'Is it? Ohh myyy!'

She sprang up to inspect her discovery. It was small and had a drawing on it which matched the lock she saw.

"The key!" Lily exclaimed. "Gotcha!" She grabbed it from the nail against the wall and held it tightly as she dashed down to the dark basement.


Lily flew the carpet to the side and pushed the little key into the lock and ...

'Oops,' Lily chuckled, 'wrong way.'

She then turned it the other way and tried it again.


The lock opened and Lily did not waste any time in looking through what was beneath it.

"What is all this?" Lily gasped in shock. She was looking at many police records.

"Persly and Bert Kulner ... wanted for m-m-murder?!" Lily almost fainted. "The murder of who?!" She thought aloud.

She took another look at the files and screamed in a high pitched voice. "Mom?! ... D-D-Dad?! ... I can't believe this!"

"Yes Lily." Echoed a familiar voice. Lily turned around to see the figure. "I knew that you would find this out sooner or later.."

It was Bert.

"But it's gonna be alright, as long as you keep your stupid mouth shut!"

"NO!" Shouted Lily. "I can't ever trust you, or my so-called Aunt again!"

Persly then stepped out from behind Bert. "Now that's no way to talk to your Uncle, Lily." Said her Aunt, with a sinister smirk.

Lily felt herself getting dizzy.

She fainted!

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