Chapter 3 - The Mystery

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"Oh my freaking god!!" Screamed Lily while she was in her bedroom one day.

"I am so sick and tired of this...this bullshit! I can't hang out with my girlfriends anymore! I can't go to simple parties! I can't .. Ughhhh!!!"

Lily was extremely frustrated and attempted suicide twenty times already.

A day never passed when she didn't think about doing it, right then and there.

Ever since she came to live with her Aunt and Uncle, she hasn't been very active in school or sports.

Her friends and teachers always asked her if she was alright and she would always say yes, she's just tired.


In the meantime, Persly and Bert were getting older and she decided to take advantage of this.

She made them lessen her chores and give her Iphone back. It was not a big change, but she was a little satisfied.

She later went on her phone and scrolled through social media.

Then, she listened to music for hours. Music made her feel like all her troubles were gone. Like nothing hurt anymore.

Blocking out the rest of the world was the main thing Lily liked doing. It was like she was the only one in her own little world with music.


One day while Lily was strolling through the house, she discovered a door behind a very large painting.

The painting began at the ceiling and ended on the floor. 'Wow'

Being her usual curious self, she scanned the painting with her eyes and then look around it.


Lily was surprised when she saw the painting fold up and revealed a passage leading down to a basement.

"Oh myy." Her jaw dropped and she hesitated. Then, she entered and was careful of the wooden stairs which creaked as she stepped on them.

When she finally reached down, she immediately noticed that there were tiny security cameras.

Lily observed the basement for quite a while and walked around.


Lily almost fell over. There was something beneath the floor which was weirdly shaped.

She lifted the carpet to find a lock. 'How does this open' She thought. Then she remembered that she had a pin in her hair.

She tried it out and ...

'Ugh this is useless' And she put it back in her hair.

Afterwards she covered the lock with the carpet and said, "That's odd."

She thought about asking her Aunt and Uncle about it .. But later changed her mind.

*One Week Later*

"I'll find out this mystery one way or another," She thought aloud. "One way or another!"

Just then she heard footsteps coming up to her room.

"What foolish mystery are you talking about, huh?!" Growled Bert. "Stop creating all this useless noise and go to sleep!"

He left the room and closed the door slowly as he watched her surprised face closely and suspiciously.

"Jeez, you sure got some sharp ears, aye Uncle?" Lily laughed.

She remained on her phone, chatting, until she was ready to go to bed.

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