Chapter 5 - The Truth Revealed : Part 2

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"What's going on?" Lily asked in a soft voice as she regained consiousness. She then looked down and saw it.

She was tied to a chair with a rope from her head to her feet. It looked like she was there for quite a while because her body was beginning to sting from the ropes.

"Let me go!" She screamed loudly. "Someone help me! ... Get me out of here!!" She started screaming even louder.

"Oh honey," Said Persly. "No one can hear you .... Doesn't your curious little head know that the basement is soundproof?"

Lily got angry. "You killed my parents! And to make matters worse, I was in the house when it happened!"

Tears wanted to escape from her eyes, but she prevented them from falling and they just built up in her eyes. Wiping them away made her even more furious.

"You two are just old and cruel wanna-be murderers! I can't believe I actually lived with you for this long!!"

Her Aunt and Uncle only laughed out loud for a whole minute and as they looked at her, they began to laugh even louder.

"As I said," Ordered Lily, "Let me go!"

"Why should we, darling?" Asked Bert in a disgusted manner, "So that you can go around blabbing your stupid mouth about us to everyone? I don't think so.."

"You've gotten into the same position as your parents, dear... Except they threatened to cell us out. Obviously something had to be done..."

Persly laughed continuously as she threw her head back in the air. Bert soon joined her as they shook their head at Lily.

Lily spat in their faces in turns. Bert then slapped her so hard across her face that it left a pink-ish mark.

A tear slid down her delicate cheek before she even felt it. Still, she did not regret spitting all over their old faces. She was so mad that she knew her face had begun to appear red.

"Oh poor thing!" Laughed Persly.

"Come on Aunty Persly... I promise I won't tell anyone about you guys! Let me go, please.."

"Haaaa!!!" Persly held her stomach. "LeT mE gO pLeAsE.." She mocked. "You really think that we'd trust you enough to let you go? Think again, sweatie..."

Lily gazed at persly with a large frown. "Dont you dare call me 'Sweetie' you old hag!"

"Oh, brave one, aren't you?" Her aunt laughed. Then her face tensed and she slapped Lily even harder than Bert did.

Lily felt like she was going to explode at any second.

'I feel so helpless right now.. I can't even scream or cry for help cause this stupid basement is soundproof!!!!'  Lily thought to herself in a brief moment.


Soon the sun began slipping down under the horizon and Lily got bruises and cramps from wiggling all around, trying to get free.

Also, since her Aunt and Uncle left her to get something. Obviously... She had enough time to cut the ropes with a small pocket-knife which she always held in the side of her shoes.

'Omg! I feel so free again .. But my so-called Aunt and Uncle are still up there..'  Lily sighed.

Soon, she heard footsteps which sounded like they were heading down to the basement.

She immediately ran to the corner with a large frying pan in her hands and waited anxiously for her Aunt and Uncle.

Lily wasted no time, for as soon as they entered the room...

"Bangggg!! ... Bangggg!!"

She struck both of them once and flew up the stairs to contact her friends, and the police. Then she sped out the door to await their arrival.

But, in the meantime, Lily's Aunt and Uncle were beginning to wake up!

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