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Her double-bladed red lightsaber plunged into the now limp body of the old man. She smirked to herself and looked up at the stormtroopers who were all standing around, their blasters pointed at the group of villagers.

"What do we do with the villagers?" Phasma asked her as she started to walk back onto the ship.

"Kill them all. We have what we need." She told her as Phasma nodded in reply and yelled commands at the stormtroopers.


As soon as she got off of the ship as it docked in Starkiller Base, General Hux rushed over to her almost immediately.

"Hux..What is it you want?" She sighed with aggravation as her eyes gazed at the puny, red haired man standing before her.

"I have something you'd like to see." Hux informed her as her eyebrows raised.

"Huh. Bring me to it then, General." She spat as he nodded, leading her to where they usually tortured prisoners. Hux looked at her before opening the door to one of the rooms with his gloved hand, revealing to her who was inside.

That was when her face changed from a frown into the evilest grin.

" on earth did you ever capture him?" She asked him with bewilderment.

"We caught him stealing from a nearby cargo ship and when we realised it was him, we took him straight here." Hux informed her.

"Thank you very much, General. Your work here today has been duly noted. Now excuse me." She spoke softly before slamming the door on Hux, making the person in the seat jolt up in surprise.

"Comfortable?" She asked him as she got closer, the dim lighting illuminating both of their faces better.

He chuckled. "Not as comfortable as I'd like to be."

Her lips pursed together as she got even closer to him, noticing how terrified his eyes were.

"Do you really believe that you can intimidate the might of the First Order?" She yelled at him as he smirked.

"I sure as hell do." He laughed as her eyes widened. She ran over to the right side of the room and flung a table over, igniting her double-bladed red lightsaber and walking back over to him.

"I will ask you this just once. And if I'm not satisfied with your answer, your blood will cover this room's walls and ceilings. Who do you work for?" She screamed at him, bringing the lightsaber close to his neck as he visibly winced.

"Okay..okay..I work with the Resistance." He mustered out.

She kept the lightsaber by his neck for a few more moments until she brought it down and unignited it.

"Well then. And what do you think you were doing stealing? Surely the Resistance and your family alone, has enough money for you to spend so that you don't have to resort to petty crime?" She spat at him.

"The thing is you see..oh great Leader..the Resistance don't like me all too much." He said, a stray laugh escaping from his mouth as her eyes widened in anger and she ignited her lightsaber yet again.

"You tell me what you were doing on that cargo ship." She demanded.

"Call that ginger guy back in! He'll show you what I stole!" He replied as she groaned and walked to the door again and opened it.

She called over a nearby stormtrooper and told them to get Hux and for him to bring the objects that the prisoner had stolen off the cargo ship.

She turned back to look at the prisoner and that was when he said something she'd never forget.

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