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"We just had to steal a ship, any ship! Why the hell did you make me steal Aldor Kitt's tie-fighter?" Ben yelled at Rosanna who just shrugged as she flew the ship around the outside of Starkiller Base.

"We gotta take out their cannons. If we don't, we're dead for sure. After we've done that we can make a distress call to your dad." Rosanna told Ben as he nodded.

"You've obviously used the gun on the falcon, right?" Ben asked her as she grinned.

"Yep. Just fly and make sure we get in range. Then we'll get out safe." She said.

Ben nodded as he started to dodge the bullets that were streaming out of the cannons, and Rosanna fired, taking out one of the cannons.


The hangar door swung open and Aldor stormed in, Hux scurrying after her as if he were some sort of rat.

"Commander this is highly excessive, the cannons will take out their ship and they'll crash and we'll find them and torture th-" Hux mumbled as Aldor stopped in her tracks to look at him.

"This is all your fault in the first place, General. They stole my ship and I want you to make up for it." Aldor yelled as she loomed over the pale man.

"B-But I can't even fly a tie-fighter!" Hux babbled as Aldor scoffed.

"Do you believe me to care, General?" Aldor asked him.

Before Hux could get another word in, a lieutenant ran into the hangar.

"Commander Kitt! We've just hit their ship. It seems they were attempting to go into lightspeed to make a getaway." The lieutenant told her.

"Did you capture the prisoners?" Aldor cried.

The lieutenant nodded. "They are both unconscious right now, but seeing as they weren't that far away from the base, we towed in the ship and got them." He explained as Aldor smirked.

"Excellent Lieutenant. Thank you." Aldor nodded as the Lieutenant left the room.


Rosanna's eyes jolted open as they darted around the darkened room, the black design of it all.

Great, she was back on Starkiller Base, this was exactly what she wanted, to be back on the deathtrap where she'd definitely get murdered.

The doors hissed open and her eyes met that of Hux's as she let out a tremendous sigh.

"They couldn't have sent anybody else?" Rosanna complained as Hux rolled his eyes.

"If you just answer my questions then I won't have to bring the Commander in, and that works for the both of us right?" Hux muttered.

Rosanna nodded as he sat down in front of her.

"So, what were you going to do if your escape had been successful?" He asked her as she shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably just have flown around for a little while. So about this whole not wanting the Commander thing, what's that all about?" Rosanna asked him with a smirk.

"It-It's nothing." He stammered as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Don't you see it General? She's using you as her puppet. And once she's done with her scheme she's going to kill you. Trust me on this one, please."

"That's a lie! And why would I even listen to you, rebel scum?" He spat at her.

"Because you know I'm right." Was all Rosanna said.

"I'm useful to this entire plan. You don't even know what you're talking about." He snapped at her as Rosanna sighed.

"Hux. If you give me my freedom we can both overturn Aldor and restore the First Order's greatness." Rosanna told him, in an attempt to persuade him.

"Don't try and attempt to cut a deal with me, Rebel scum. You can lie all you want, I won't break." He told her with determination as she just raised an eyebrow at him.


Ben was awoken by a slap across his face, his eyes opening to see Aldor. His mouth turned into a grin as she glared at him.

"How did you steal my tie fighter?" She asked Ben.

"I don't know! Rosanna did it!" Ben cried out as Aldor let out a sigh.

"God why is everyone so useless on this damn ship!" Aldor yelled out in anger as she paced around the cell.

"How did you escape your cell?" She asked him, before she shook her head.

"That's a stupid question, you obviously used the force." She sighed as she sat down in front of him.

"Where's the map to Skywalker?" She spat.

"Jakku, in that droid is the last I heard. I won't tell you anything else though." He told her as she raised an eyebrow.

"Protecting your uncle? You can't be serious." She said in a mocking tone, as he looked down, not saying a word.

"He never told you the truth of what happened that night, did he? The night when I burnt the temple down." She smirked.

"The night when you refused to kill me." Ben reminded her as her face hardened.

"I didn't refuse to kill you. I thought you were already dead." She told him, her voice wavering slightly.

"My uncle told me that he saw what was in your mind. And that it was twisted and dark. Snoke had already warped your mind." Ben said to her as she scoffed.

"I woke up one night, to find him stood over me with his lightsaber in his hand. I acted out in defence. The man who I trusted, tried to kill me in my sleep." She hissed at Ben as Ben tried to hide his shock.

"He wouldn't, he'd never do that. You're a liar!" He yelled at her.

"Why would I lie? Why else would I destroy the temple?" She asked him as she rose from her seat.

"Why did you leave me there?" Ben asked her suddenly, as she looked at him confused.

"Because I knew you wouldn't want to come with me. Me and you both knew that you were always going to be better off doing what you do now. You don't have the capability to lead." She said, belittling him, as he turned his face away from her.

The room became shrouded in silence, as Aldor stood there, staring at Ben as he turned his face away from her.

The silence was broken when a disheveled lieutenant stumbled into the cell.

"Commander! We've just detected an enemy ship that has landed on the base." He told her as her face fell.

"Do you know what ship it is?" She asked him, worried.

"We believe it to be the Millennium Falcon." The lieutenant told her.

Aldor gripped her lightsaber tightly in her hand, her leather gloves squeaking slightly.

"Thank you Lieutenant. Deploy all Stormtroopers, I want all of them looking for Han Solo and that carpet he walks around with." She demanded as the Lieutenant nodded and walked away.

"Think this is pretty fucking funny, don't you?" She spat at Ben as he nodded.

"Yeah, I do." He replied with a smirk.

Aldor glared at him before storming out of his cell in an angered rage, her lightsaber humming quietly as it glowed the walls red, before she walked out of Ben's sight.

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