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Ben's eyes darted around the cell, attempting to see any way of escape. That was unlikely though, seeing as he was strapped to a seat thing.

He let out a deep sigh and thought over the events that had happened earlier. I mean, he always knew he'd been force sensitive, his uncle was a damn jedi for crying out loud! But he'd never expected to be able to ever do that, to manage to override the mind trick of a much powerful person. Huh. Well, if he could do that, he could try it on a much more weaker stormtrooper.

He cleared his throat and started to speak.
"Uhh...You'll remove me from this chair." He told the stormtrooper who was stood by the door.

The stormtrooper looked over at him and began to walk over.

"I'll tighten you more to that chair, rebel scum." The stormtrooper spat as Ben sighed, trying again.

"You will remove me from this chair and uhh..leave this cell with the door open." Ben told the stormtrooper.

"I will remove you from this chair and leave the cell with the door open." The stormtrooper parroted back to Ben as he removed the straps on the chair, freeing Ben.

"And you'll drop your weapon!" Ben quickly called after the dumbfounded stormtrooper.

"And I'll drop my weapon." The stormtrooper spoke as he dropped his blaster with a loud clang.

Ben smirked, running to grab the blaster and quickly getting the hell out of there.


He peered round a corner and groaned when all he saw was stormtroopers marching towards him. God, what do they even do all day? Just march or something?

He shook his head and muttered to himself. The only idea coming to his head was something his dad had told him about. Putting on a stormtrooper outfit and blending in. Just like what his dad and uncle did years ago to save his mom.

He found a hiding spot in a doorway and waited for a lone stormtrooper. And sure enough, one eventually came along.

Ben took a deep breath and jumped out of his hiding space and quickly hit the stormtrooper over the head with the blaster, knocking him out cold.


"General, I do not want to hear any more of it. I understand that he's a threat and that we should just kill him. But I'm still unsure, he may still hold important knowledge" Aldor mumbled as Hux pursed his lips tightly together.

"Commander, if you don't kill him then I will. Anyways, if we keep him here any longer he will attempt to escape and who knows? He might even be successful." Hux told her as she sighed, running her hand through her hair with frustration.

Slowly walking, Ben attempted to act as natural and possible as he made his way over to the cells. He didn't have a clue which one Rosanna was in, so he just walked into the first cell.

By some miracle, there was Rosanna tied up in one of those chair things Ben was strapped in earlier.

Ben looked to the other stormtrooper in the room and quickly made up and excuse.

"Commander Kitt wants the prisoner." He explained as fear struck Rosanna's eyes.

The other stormtrooper nodded and removed Rosanna's restraints and Ben grabbed her, walking out of the cell and down a hallway.

Quickly, he shoved himself and Rosanna into a doorway, removing his mask as Rosanna's confused face fell into that of a thankful face.

"Oh thank god Ben, it's you! I was worried that crazy bitch Aldor, wanted to kill me or something." Rosanna muttered as Ben enveloped her in a hug.

"Come on. We gotta get outta here." Ben spoke with determination in his voice as he placed the mask back on.


"Commander? I have just received information about the two prisoners we have onboard." Hux told Aldor as she turned around to face him as he cleared his throat nervously.

"I've been informed that they've somehow escaped their cells and might now be attempting to steal a sh-" Hux spoke before being cut off by Aldor igniting her red, crackling lightsaber and abruptly slashing at the controls and consoles behind her.

Hux winced in pain as he looked away, the metallic wall behind Aldor ripped with glowing scars.

"Anything else General?" Aldor asked as Hux looked down.

"Well, I've been told they're trying to take them out with the guns but-" Hux started before Aldor cut him off.

"Oh just spit it out general!" She yelled impatiently at the nervous man.

"I was informed that they have stolen your tie-figh-" Hux spoke with a loud whisper before he was violently pulled towards Aldor, as she started to force-choke him.

"Stop them. Immediately." She screamed as she lifted the force-choke, leaving Hux gasping for air as he looked at Aldor with fright and anger before leaving the room.

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